

The Sun
"We are alike, are we not?" I asked the Sun.
"How so?" He replied.

"You must be afraid of the dark. Luckily I am not, I actually find it peaceful. But to be swallowed by it again and again, the exhaustion of being defeated. I know it well." I told him.

He laughed and seemed to glow a little brighter as he did. So much so that I couldn't see the world around me for a moment.

Then he said,
"Lost child, you have me all wrong. I am not afraid of the dark. Nor am I ever defeated. To shine even when no one can see it, that is victory. And without darkness, you could never appreciate the light."

"And what if you only see darkness? How do you appreciate a light that isn't there?" I cried.

He shined on me so gently that for a moment, I truly thought he was holding me.

"Then you create your own light." He said.