

Cath come back only to see brandon in her room"what are you doing here idiot "brandon only smiled. Cath rolled her eyes and stomped into her room.When it was evening she came downstairs after a long nap to cook when she found out brandon has cooked the food. He came from the kitchen dressed like a waiter and said" you're table, my love "Cath eyed him and just sat down" I prepared your favorite food "and it was true when Cath opened the plate. She could smell the awesome aroma. Brandon went in front of her and said" this week I have planned what we're going to do, shopping, playing, making love"he said that in a weird way that made Cath to choke"do you think I am going to fall in love with you just because we're gonna go outing""don't worry darling, just eat your food"after hearing that Cath smiled. She stood up and walked to brandon "oh love how can I eat when I don't have the right clothes on, let me go upstairs and get dressed" "of course Sure "brandon sounds scared as Cath went up with that evil smile planted on her face" what is she planning now,oh that's not my problem I can keep my cool and not love her.."brandon mouth hanged in the air as he saw the clothe that Cath wore making her look hot. He's not even sure it's a cloth cause it doesn't cover everywhere "where were we" Cath said and sat on the chair and ate her food. Whatever brandon tries to do she'll turn it upside down and never fall in love with him. By the way what can he use he doesn't have six packs to lure me~Cath was thinking as she ate her dinner.