

Life is like a story book
Life is like a story book. We are the authors of our story. As we write our life story, we must write it to the best of our ability. We all have different categories to choose from. As I write the story of my life, I choose the inspiration category, as I want to be an inspiration to others, especially because of what God did in my life.

He saved me from dying. Had I not survived twenty years ago, as I had layed on a ventilator because I had fat embolism, I would not be here to share my story with the world. I am a living testimony of the glory of God. When according to statistics, no one survives this killer medical condition, but I did entirely because of Jesus and because of His miraculous touch upon my life.

Can the dust praise God! I would have perished had God not been on my side. It was my strong belief in God that allowed me to survive. Doctors gave up, they even said my life is in God's hand now, as I had difficulty breathing and as I had a machine breathing for me.

After spending over a month in the ICU, I began to recover because of prayers that were carried out in the local churches in my town. My story even reached a gospel radio station called, " High way radio. " Family and friends interceded to God on my behalf.

This is my real life story of a God who loved me so much to having saved my life. Even until this very day, I hear of people being on a ventilator and almost everyone who had been on a ventilator never made it out alive. So I'm so grateful to my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ for saving my life. Both my son and I are both Gods miracles because had I not survived , my son would have not have been alive today because I had a baby boy a few years after surviving fat embolism.

I get shivers as I am writting my experiences to the world because I'm so overwhelmed by such an affectionate God. I will always believe in Jesus no matter what I have to endure in life. So my advice to you is life is definitely like a book. Every face tells a story. I'm glad I'm sharing my story with the world! All blessing and honour, glory and power belongs to Jesus always!