

The 4th of Smoky
It was July 4 1975 Catherine Murphy her husband Sir Bean Murphy and their children wanted to celebrate the 4th of July the children wanted to shoot the fireworks but Sir Bean had another idea he wanted to shoot his rifle. Honey I will be shooting my rifle I love shooting my rifle I don’t won’t to buy no fireworks this year said Sir Bean Okay but what about the fireworks don’t you want to watch the fireworks with me? Catherine Murphy ask no I don’t I want you and our children to watch me shoot my rifle outside replied Sir Bean. That day on Sir Bean and Catherine got the food ready so them and their children can eat. Wilbert and Lorraine both of your rooms look junky please clean it out or there will be no seeing daddy shoot his rifle tonight said Catherine Murphy yes ma,am replied Wilbert and Lorraine. Wilbert hurried to clean up his room he really wanted to see his daddy to shoot his rifle it has been a while since Sir Bean shot his rifle, and Lorraine she was grumbling to herself but she got her room cleaned up. Honey I am missing my bullets where did you put my bullets to my rifle? Sir Bean ask I did not touch your bullets why are you asking me? Catherine ask because I thought you touched them replied Sir Bean. When the night came a lots of people came down to the lake to watch the fireworks and a lots of people shot their fireworks at their homes. Sir Bean shot his rifle up in the air Catherine and their children watched Sir Bean even taught Olin and Gayle how to shoot the rifle they both loved it it was a fun night and Catherine even got to shoot the rifle. I remember when my father had taught me and my brothers how to shoot a rifle see my mother and father had guns too they both owned shotguns of their own said Catherine Murphy. My father and my uncle owned rifles I got this one from my uncle he gaved this to me for a Christmas present before he died back in December 5 1963 replied Sir Bean. That night Sir Bean had to put his rifle back up in the closet because he didn’t won’t to use up all of his bullets so he saved the rest of his bullets and he put them up in the closet and sat back outside with Catherine and their children to talk about the good time they had together as a family.
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