

Olympus: War-Chapter 8
Olympus: War

Chapter 8:The Fallen Gods

After the Gods, Hercules, Perseus, Theseus, Bellerophon, Chiron, The remaining Centaurs and the remaining Cyclopes appeared on Olympus, Zeus told Chiron and the other Centaurs to go and find all the Hecatorcheires they could find. Then he told Poseiden to get all the Pegasusses he could get. He then told Hercules, Perseus, Theseus and Bellerophon to get all the demigods they can find.
Then Ares interrupted Zeus and asked:"Your really taking this war seriously aren't you?"
Zeus then answered:"Yes, Cronus has grown stronger while he was prisoned in Tatarus. He is now using his power of time to make his healing ability to heal much faster. He slows down your attacks and hits you with a power time wave."

Then about five minutes later The Goddes Hecate (The Goddes of Magic, Witchcraft, The night, Ghosts and necromancy) asked if she could fight in the War.

Seven minutes later a man in an old brown and black cloak ran in the palace of Olympus and into the Throne room. He then told Zeus that Cronus and Hades tracked down some of the Minor Gods and killed them.
Then Zeus asked "Who were the Gods who died. Then the man in the old brown and black cloak answered:"Cronus and Hades killed Pan, Aeolus (The God of The Eponymous river), Phobos (The God of fear), Eros (The God of Love), Horae (Goddes of seasons, wardens, justice and order at the gates of Olympus) and the Fates (Clotho, Lachesis and Atopos)(The incarnations of destiny and live).
Then Zeus got a little more angry. He then told the man in the old brown and black cloak to go.
Meanwhile Hades wanted to free the other Titans, but Cronus told him that the other Titans will just get in the way. Cronus wanted a army of monsters. Hades then send of some Giants to find Typhon (The Greatest monster threat of Olympus) and Ketos (Poseiden's Greatest Enemy).
Cronus has send The Spinx to get all the Harpies she chould find. He olso send a few Skeletons to find Orhus.

A day later Cronus smashed a blue rock and He, Hades, Typhon, Ketos, The Spinx, Orthus, The Harpies, The Giants and a army of the dead disappeared from the Underworld and reappeared on Olympus.
The only Gods (except Hades) outside the palace of Olympus was Ares, Poseiden and Morpheus.

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