

Better to lick your wounds and to be battle scarred than to kiss ass and compromise your values.

I see so many people in today’s world who are afraid to stand up for what they believe. They are afraid to speak out and declare truth as truth. They secretly claim that they stand for what’s right, but in public, they are careful to keep their mouths shut, sit back, and hope that others will stand up against the evil, misinformation, and trouble makers in this world.

They don’t publicly state what they claim to believe, as they are afraid that some radical hater may target them for embarrassment or possibly even violence. So they cower down in private, professing to believe one thing, but publicly biting their tongues, therefore compromising their values. That is not the way of the warrior!

Maybe I was raised differently, but I consider it better to lick your wounds and to be battle scarred than to kiss ass and compromise my values. I simply won’t do it! Never have and never will! I will leave such cowardice to the spineless in our society.

Has standing up for my beliefs in the face of overwhelming public opinion caused me some hassles? Yeah, a few. But I am not on this earth to be led by public opinions or radical points of view. I am a free man, a warrior, and I will live as I see fit, regardless of others cower down to the prevailing views of the day.

If you don’t like it, that is your business. You can get over it, cry about it, or just move on. But how I live my life and what I believe is up to me, no one else. I won’t compromise my values or my honor to satisfy anyone else’s warped world view or to protect their delicate sensibilities.

It is time for men and women of honor to stop being afraid to speak out and stand up for what they believe. Remember, the only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do and say nothing. When there is no opposition to those who promote lies, warped values, and evil, then they easily succeed.

If you are not willing to get out of your comfort zone and stand against those who want to destroy your values, your culture, and your way of life, then maybe you deserve what you get. Yeah, it does take courage and may not be how you want to spend your time, but freedom is not free; it does require you to fight back to maintain your freedoms from time to time.

If you are not willing to defend those things which are sacred and meaningful in your life, don’t be surprised when they are taken from you. Warriors refuse to stand down when their life and the life of their families are being threatened. And when people are threatening your way of life, your values, or your freedom, then your life is being threatened. The choice is yours. What will you do? As for me and mine, we will continue to WARRIOR UP! Bohdi Sanders ~ author of BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior.