

Ordinary girl
She smiled with quiet determination,
The journey was tough but so was she...

In a small town affu a normal girl with high inspiration she is eager to learn new things and in her primary school she is very good in her studies at the same time she is learning household tasks like washing utensils and cleaning moping and cooking and she learn all household tasks very well and meanwhile she passed her pre University education then the thing happen which she never want to face, that is,she failed in maths ,she feel very bad for this but she had strong faith in her own she passed the exam and went for higher studies where she passed her bacholer degree with distinction and also done bacholer degree in education ,while persuing education she came across so many herdles like financial crises, home sickness, so many times sleeping hungry is common,even don't have single penny in pocket to buy biscuit or to go buy rickshaw, health is good or bad,have to go by walk to college ,in college also there is a harassment by colleagues and staff ,and partiality by teaching faculties, even though she passed her bacholer degree with distinction which she deserves,as she is a small village girl but hard worker 💪.
After completing education she came to her native place ,where she faces family harassment ,her family not let her to do job , when she is getting enough offers of jobs.Due to this she was very disappointed and unhappy being educated her family want her to just sit in home ,she is not suppose to take turions also. One day her father spoke to her , listen our duty is to educate you ,that we have done after getting marriage do the job if your husband give permission, but unfortunately which doesn't happen.
After 2 years she got Married to her relative who was very kind to her but her family also did not cooperate her ,mother in law is very cruel as she don't want her to do job ,just as a maid she has to do all household tasks and have to manage home ,she notice that her husband also prefer her mother`s choice rather than her ,,,then she thought that her dreams are just dreams, a common girl didn't achieve anything even she struggled 8 to 10 year's to persue education with dreams where she want to become financially independent, want to help poor, but hands are empty and heart is full of help, this is her situation, meanwhile she got conceive and gave birth to a baby girl with new hope that with my education I will educate my daughter she was happy but her mother in law tortured her a lot she thought of divorce,but her husband don't want to lose her as she is very tolarable girl and also good nature , because her sister in-law always quarrel with mother in law but affu has her own identity her mother in law daily she tries to quarrel with her but affu sit mum she doesn't speak single word mother in law try to underestimate her her she engulf all bad deeds of her mother in law with smile where this is in tolarable to mother in law, one day mother in law make huge plan about her ,to insult her and annoyed her ,there is a family gathering when mother in law started quralling and crying as I have done big mistake that day I spoke to her and answered her in her language , then she realizes that am not a ordinary girl , from that day she never spoke to me .
But next day only my husband took to her and told me to ask sorry for whatever happened,it took her to another world where she started thinking she has not done any mistake even though she has to ask sorry,she has to apologise for not doing anything.
Strange but true,she apologized ,by keeping stone on her heart ,her chest is hard with the griefs and agony ,she felt very uncomfortable and bad,she cried so many days and nights but no one will recognize her pain ☹️😢😔
Her mother in law and sister in-laws boycott her home,as they went to native place to live with another son.
But as the days goes her husband always try to convince her mother,to come to home,
but like VIP she always refused to come,but whenever she wants financial help she come to affu' s home. Days gone affu has convinced her husband to go for further studies as she is fed up with home environment and took admission to master degree with distance,she passed her master's degree in science with distinction where she get no help from any of the family member. By the help of almighty Allaha.
This is the story of girls with dreams but only 2 percent will achieve there dreams.
Remaining people will be just common girl.