

one day there was a boy name Henry. he is 15years old.he always find peace.he is in ss2.that stand for (siniour secondery2).when he was in school.a boy named happiness was his friend.happiness was always happy very well.they always talk together.
peace:how are you bro.
happiness:i'm fine.
peace:happiness I am filling kind of board,
happiness:then let read our mathematic.
James:every body peace,sorry I mean pol,and hipo are washing matheatupid
every one started laughing.
hapiness:peace live them alone.
teacher came inside the class.
classcaptain:upstand great.
every body:Good morning sir.
teacher:I was hearing somebody spoiling someone name.
James:yes sir body body spoil anyone name.
teacher:if any of you could spoil any one name I will beat you and suspend you for 5 week.
peace:but sir.'.'.'!.
James come to peace and said it quietly if you report me you will see what I will do.
teacher:yes peace?
peace: no need sir, just forget about it.
happiness:peace I have never seen this before that bullies exist.
peace:me two.
peace:mom good afternoon.
mom:thank you my son.
peace:mom I want to ask you one thing.
mom:what do you want to ask me.
peace:I used to be kind, patient and tolerative.but people always abuse me.
mom:listen son it is not everything that you will have to be kind.you are not God that what ever you say he will give it to you.human being have the right to slap someone in anger because I they have hot temper.every body in the whole world most face hardship.even if you are rich.
peace:it true mom.mom tomorrow we are not learning anything because we want to check the best class in ss2 and ss3 in chemistry.
at school. peace dress very goodly and make him look handsome.
principal:today is the day we are going to know who is the best classes among ss2 and ss3.the conductor of ss2 will be peace.
peace:hellow every body,nice to meet you.
principal:the conference for ss3 is Anuj.
so know peace what is first-aid.
peace:first aid is the first treatment given to a injured person.
principal :correct.ss3 what is safety education.
Anuj:safety education is when a efcc save you.
principal:wrong.ss2 win.
in class.
James :how are you stupid peace.
peace:you are spoiling the name that make me happy in life,and know don't think I am gentle I am hash now.listen someone spoiling my name make me angry.
James:so what will you do.
peace slap him so hard.
peace:what your parent name you in life do not spoil the name.
James:I am sorry.