

the dragon
Once upon a time lived three children there name was Billy Ella Ricky and Emily Billy was 17 Ella was 15 Ricky was 11 and Emily was 8 one day they needed to go hunting so they can earn money so they wen they walked and waljet and they finnaly found a wolf to hunt they all ran but he led them to a dead end but the dead end opened it was magic and they saw an enormous dragon Emily touched the dragon but he bit her she found bandages and sticked it to her bleeding arm "are u ok" shouted Billy "yes'' said Emily then they ran of but then it was another dead end and it opened it was the same dragons they kept and going to dead ends and they saw the dragon again and again then the last time it happened there was a not Billy reads the not" hello I will leave u alone when u pull my string and take me to a birds nest then u can go if u do not u will die" read Billy "well let's go then I guess"said Ella. K cmon said billy


after walking 1 mile they saw a bird the dragon eat it and let them go before they went Emily touched him and all he did is laugh so Emily died to take him home he can live in the barn but first we need to hunt one more wolf they couldn't find any so the dragon sniffed the way and found one they quickly hunted him and wen home Emily quietly put him in the barn so hher mum won't know each day they went hunting everything was fine until they magicly transported to a snowy world filled with animal "oh no" said the dragon, "what's wrong" siad Emily "run before they catch u" said the dragona

The dragons fake death

The story why the animals want to kill him

After running far away they found a cave they sat on a seat and eat marshmellos "why were all of them coming for u" said Billy "ugh its none of ur buissness" said the dragon "acctualy it all s cause we got chased by it" said billy "ughh fine so along time ago I was this queen's guard I obeyed everything she siad but one day she asked for a person's hera I said no and I ran away that's why I was licjed in that dungene the Queen talled all the animals to catch him and the obeyed so I ran far far far away until the dungeone" talled the dragon "oh well why not we catch her" said Billy
"are u stupid do u know how much powers she has" said the dragon "no but we can still defeat her" said Billy
"naa do it ur self now go asleep" said the dragon

When they were asleep the queen's plan
"hmm well we know that he's in the cave and he always used to ho asleep at thins time why not we break into the cake and tie him up and I shall kill him" siad the queen" yes yes yes yes" say everyone so they wen in there qitely and they manged to get him but Ella and Emily heard so they qikly followed whje they were there Emily and Ella were hiding in the bushes she said the dragon shall dies and she stabbed him Emily and Ella cryed after they left they ran over there one of Emily tear went in his eyes then he woke up "oh my gosh he's awake" said, Emily quietly "yes and we should kill the queen tommorow telhe next day arrived

The last part the queen's death

They all woke up and went to fond the Queen they all splitter they all looked everywhere but Ella found an ice caysel she web inside" woahh" siad Ella "guards someone's here go check who is it"said the queen " oh no I gotta hide "ill hide behind the teapot" said Ella hmm that unexpected no one is here hmm let's tell the qyuen that my queen there is no one here "hmm I'd onr belive that" said the Queen "I know ur here Ella just come out" said the Queen so Ella came out and asked why would u kill the dragon he did nothing. All hhe. Did is quit as being a guard. "is that what he talled ur wrong I killed him because along time ago he killed my family and almost all my animals" said the Queen "wait what how do I know ur not lieng
After she siad that all of them appeared oh my gosh dragy hmm rember when u killed my parents said the queen rember wjem u killed my u know what I have looked fowordbto this fight with u so they fighted with a sword they fighted and fighted until the dragon dropped down but before the queen stabbed him he quickly got up and lifted the queen down and said the last thing I want to do is stab u on the face bye my queen "No" said the queen "don't do this he ignored her and stabbed her

The ending
" well the Queen is gone everyone is free even u " said Billy" no not now I have a job to do " siad the dragon" what siad Billy " as u killed queen I need to take place as king" siad the dragon " does that mean ur leaving us" said Emily "well yes but I will visit u again don't worry" bye

7 years later Billy is, 24 Ella is 22 Ricky is 18 and Emily is 15and the King transported them to his castle
He was 44 "well hello little one I missed u

After that it was done they lived happily ever after the end

And this is all about the dragon being the kind I hope u enoujoyed it I spen 1 hour and 30 mins on this thanks guys bye