

ManifesT what you NEED not what you want!!!!!
ok so this is a Rhyme kind of loads of different nodes storys for all energys call dot

Oh Dot oh Dot as i sit here now
All Relaxed zoned out and althentic How?
Understanding that knowing nothing is what its truly About
Knowing that in a ring you could win a Bout
Smoking on my last dobby changing the Route (GG-DJp)
Thinking i bet you was smoking it too NO DOUT
With all the old skool memories we used to smile scream and Shout
When we used to be wild energys and sometimes usedto get a Clout;

Well Space is changing and im here to be the doG; well thats what it says when others are checking in there rear mirrors all covered in Fog. (i like that one this is all off the top with help from GG/DJp)

Space is changing you want to know why well ill tell you that another space coz im going abed alright.

Neo x&

© Th3CrazyThink3rs