

Just Another Story (I)
"I'm sorry, are you hurt?"

It was sunny that morning. I was lost, drowning in misery for a responsibility I accepted without thinking. Leadership is not my forte. I was always the member in group activities and never the leader.

But now, I had to carry my group and never miss a step.

All of us stood there in the middle of the university football field, wearing the Field Study uniform, lining in as instructed by the president of the Field Study organization. Wearing the pre-service uniform scares me.

'I am near the end of a choice that somebody else chose for me.'

And I don't know what I should do.

In that football field, though? That's where I met you.

Wearing that brown pre-service teacher's uniform I never felt comfortable in.

I never wanted this profession.

It's the noblest, most respected, and the most fulfilling one among the many. But I never had the heart to pursue it. As an introverted person, learning how to socialize like an extrovert is akin to peeling coconut with a stick.

I'm not even talking about the stage fright and the anti-social tendencies we tend to display.

Seeing you becoming the very person I never will become is kind of a tease and also a huge temptation. I never thought that I'd be very invested just meeting you that humid morning.

"Yeah. I'm fine. My ankle's just a little sore. It got twisted yesterday."

You were wearing photochromic glasses,...