

45 Years Ago.The Earth was attacked by a misterious creatures that known as the Nione.Almost all the human died.Now the Nione has taken the earth.
The only way to defeat the Nione is to kill their Boss.But they were soo strong,no one can kill any of them.Until today,all the human that still alive is finding a way to defeat the Nione.

Deep inside the earth where the human lives.They made a big city down there.The Nione never know all the human lives under them.The city is called Metron.
The city controlled by Doanne.People chose him because he's already born before the Nione attack the earth 45 years ago.
Day by day they still finding a way to defeat the Nione.The city have one Doctors to help them bulid equipment to defeat the Nione.

Knock knock knock "Doctor Allan! Open up " Said Tiana
"Yes Tiana.What you want?"Said Allan
"I found something at the garbage dump!"said Tiana
"Garbage Dump?! What are you doing there you know that place is dangerous??"said Allan
"There's no time to be mad now! Follow me you'll not going to believe it!"said Tiana

Doctor Allan and Tiana go to the garbage dump.Tiana directed him deeper in the garbage dump.

"Look at that!"said Tiana
"H-how can it be? It's a robot! But..
It's not just a normal robot it's something new"said Allan
"Now you're not going to be mad at me anymore right?"said Tiana
"We need to take this home before anyone found it!"said Allan

When they arrived at home.Allan put the robot at his lab.Tiana and him work together to complete the robot.