

It’s not Woke it’s called growing up
I was going to write about how our intentions determine the outcome of our actions but since I’ve now been put in a different plain due to my surroundings, let’s write about something that fit and don’t quite fit into the scenario heh.
I’m sure the amount of writers and spectators on here are from all different age groups, ethnic groups, cultural groups as well and have lived interesting lives. I however am a young adult still pivoting, still figuring how and what things are for me. When I transitioned from my late teens to the big twenty (fyi if you’re from a country that values culture and traditions, you’d know, you’re not an adult until you’re 21 or married..jk jk) , life was pretty much on a halt for me, no forward movements, no big plans or ideas, just repetitive daily chores. I’m a year shy of another half a decade of my life and things are progressing but in small steps.

I honestly don’t know how adults managed their move from late teen to being a functional working member of society. I have of course figured out why women in most cultures, including my own marry young . You turn the big twenty and your married relatives are already questioning your status as an unwed woman and what you would be contributing to the household, which usually comes with a lot of mental pressure to find ‘the one’ so as to continue lived traditions, “a wife is to make the home and a husband to provide”
I’ve always viewed it as a pretty content lifestyle but times are changing of course in my perspective. This isn’t about woke influences or being an educated snob, although educated snob sounds more like a compliment. These days, fast lives(get rich quick) are actively promoted and due to these things, marriage is now just of convenience rather than a sacred bond, failure to meet certain trends leads young adults to feel out of place with society, even I find myself thinking if I should even try to fit in but than I find myself here on this platform.
As I mentioned earlier, our intentions determine the outcome of our actions. My choices the past few years led me to not be put in the fast life but my intentions are now beginning to bear the outcome of those choices. The inability to commit to tradition was replaced by my affinity and my intentions to see things as they are, although considered controversial to my culture.

© Adi Joséphine