

The Clever Theif (Chapter 1)

The most famous detective in the city named Inferno March.He is in his office seat almost sollowed his pen his eyes at the T.V. then a bell rang he splitted the pen turned off the T.V. and then said ‘‘Come in’’.He was Mr.Rozer a very rich man.
“Sir,my cat is missing!”shouted Mr.Rozer.

Mr.Rozer always comes with different and strange cases like a missing pen,clock,a coin etc.
“Ok so let me write the case and take me to the crime scene”said Mr.Inferno cleaning the pen and opening his diary.“So tell me some details about the cat and let me write”.
After that they went to the crime scene there is ribbon lying there with a name Ms.Norris.Then Mr.Inferno opened his detective tool box,took out his magnifine glass and started to examine the nearby area.
“So,your cat Ms.Norris lost here?”asked Mr.Inferno.
“Yes here i stopped to buy some water i left Ms.Norris outside for just about minute, and after that when i came back nobody was here and then i came back home incase my children may found her and took her home but,she wasn't home then i came to you”replied Mr.Rozer with a innocent look on the ribbon.
“Maybe your cat escaped for freedom”said Mr.Inferno.
“No i left her many times for long period of time but she never ever moved an inch”replied Mr.Rozer marking his finger over a mud lake.“See a mud lake it can be clue or you can check CCTV Cameras.”
“Nice suggestion Mr.Rozer maybe we should check CCTV camera first”replied Mr.Inferno.“Mr.Rozer on what time you left your cat”.
“Exactly 56 minutes ago”replied Mr.Rozer checking his watch.
Then they went on the security room where the CCTV Cameras connecting is linked and then -
To be countinued

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@Legend Vidhan
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