

Ones upon a time in the animal kingdom, the was joy and happiness. with Njoh the tiger king who ruled the forest for many years.
One day a stranger visited the village. He was Njila the lion. He visited the palace and the king welcomed him . Njila was not happy seeing a tiger 🐅 ruling a village.So he decided to wage war against the tiger.
So Njila had to travel back to his own village to gather some lions so they can defeat the tiger king and his soldiers.
When they attacked, they were not able to take down the tiger king and his soldiers easily.So the war lasted for long. The lions saw that the tiger king loved every one in the forest so much so he started killing them and sent a message to the tiger king to sourrender or he will kill all of them.
So the mole hid himself in the ground so that he can survive the war. He came out only at night then he noticed that he could no longer see during the day.
The war lasted for long but at the end the lions won and victory was theirs.
Finally Njila rulled over the kingdom and made Njoh and his soldiers his slaves.
Njila was now the lion king.
But this did not last for long as the human in their kingdom said they were the true kings . The lions did not stand a chance against them. So they were captured and taken to their zoo.
So the human 👑 crowned himself the king of the world.