

Great Lady Last episode
The war siren is ringing. Now a troop of the army is moving towards the capital. Here army is ready to fight. King is dressed in a black warrior dress.
Suddenly complete silence spreads.
Then the war starts.
soldiers start fighting with one another.
Here, the enemy entered the city through a hidden cave.
Soldiers weren't aware of this sudden attack.
Uncle Hanyong encouraged the soldiers to fight and control the situation.
The enemy army was strong, they fought recklessly.
Uncle Hanyong was extremely injured.
One of the soldiers brought a message for su le.
He said, lady:
"Mister Hanyong is extremely injured. He can't fight. Now enemies are moving towards the palace. so what we will we do in this situation."
su le says :
Now there's the only solution I will fight. Su le rode on a horse and take the sword of his father.
she fought with the enemy's soldiers bravely. She got injuries. But she doesn't stop. At last, she deafted the enemy. She feels proud. She says:
Today my father's soul will be happy. I proved I am the great daughter of a great father.
Everyone appreciated the su le
King also succeeded in deafting the enemy.
Today, now in the whole country su le has become a noble and brave lady. she fought bravely and save the country.
After a few days in a great ceremony,
King awarded the title of "Great lady " to su le. King also declared Uncle Hanyong as"lord protector "and patriotic. King also made Nanyong Army general due to his bravery and performance .
Now everyone was very happy. They can live without fear. The cruel king died.
NOW the Present king was very kind-hearted.
At the ceremony, musicians came from all over the country.
They sang a song in honor of King and great lady.
Galloping horses, sparkling sky
Fighting warriors, kind-hearted kings
are roses of a beautiful garden.
faithful lady, cunning rebels
are like sharpen the sword
truth is everlasting cruelty is the way of destruction.
Love is to sacrifice yourself for your people and country
The end.....

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