

The Ira Humo Chapter 1
Chapter 1

The black smoke covered the land, and the Spltrnix bathes in its hatred. The Spltrnix is a tall wanderer walking through the valley with no end in sight, he with his spear that swings from his back getting heavier with every step knows he must push forward. He with his family's rifle that is attached from the hip, having sawed off the barrel to make it as light as possible. With one goal in his mind only looking for who or what caused the smoke only known as the Ira Humol, a back thick fog making it impossible to see, having no smell only filling up his lungs drowning in this ocean of smoke. Only thing he can see but it's more of a sense is his dog giving to him by his parents Chato a trusty worthy companion with a breathing condition but that won't stop them as they continue to push farther into the Smoke.
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