

how I met Kiefer Sutherland and we became good friends
In 1981 I just turned 18 in which I'm a very outgoing person and my grandfather gave me a brand new KW and a trailer. My Grandfather told me he always used this bad language to me your little half-breed Bastard boy he through me the keys now you bastard boy take that truck and trailer and go to Hollywood California and don't come back to Brooklyn NYC NY without a signed Contract from s movie studio didn't matter which one just get one and bring one that Is signed. I came back with three of them he didn't think I got not even one! Personally you think I could did you? He was hoping that I never would come back to New York. He was a superstition old Sicilian man that just hated happy kids I'm half-italian housewife and I've been abused by that all my life the so I got in the truck and drove it to Hollywood California and don't come back unless you have a Signed Contact from a movie studio. I hear it all the movie companies Paramont Pictures first I got a contract with Hollywood second I got a contract with 20 century Fox third got frist movie for Lost boys that's where I met my friend Kieffer Sutherland and we've kept up with one another over the years I am 4 year's than Kieffer and I got to know several headliners in the music side and several movie stars. they rode in the bus from Hollywood California to in New Mexico and even in Mexico everyone stayed in the same hotel with their bus drivers it's wild we became good friends I guess I will get some reason. 33 years I drove a truck had to have two of us for the Rich and famous. happy 5 months of a fact New York I carry my three contracts and I showed him my grandfather what you're been doing what the hell did you bring me I didn't bring you a contract I brought you three contracts Paramount pictures 20th century Fox fan Hollywood studios over 33 years I owned three trucks and three buses if we wasnt in the truck hauling movie equipment are staging concerts we were driving the buses movie stars Kiefer Sutherland from the same set and I was working and it said delivered staging equipment for Lost boys and when keeper would become friends they are that day or not and I guess you looked at you and tell that but Kiefer Sutherland and I have been friends since the early 80s and it's been a great friendship I drove into a bus at bedroom around I'll travel with him of course he only has a country singer now along with s movie stop siegward out when I go to Nashville I don't work for him anymore we're still good friends that's Nashville Tennessee