

( B.T.O.)episode 2: strangers became friends
At the school gate

Amelia called her mom to tell her mom was finally safe

The phone was a buzz she finally got it.

Amelia: Hi mom, how are you doing.

Nicole: I'm good, how about you. How did arrive

Amelia: Everything is fine. And got here safe.

Nicole: That's good but I already missed you so much, my girl.

Amelia: Let me call you back by video call, so that you can see.

Nicole: Wait, where are you right now.

Amelia: On the school gate.


After some few minutes after she dropped her mother's call, she called her mother again.

Amelia: Are you still there mom

Nicole: Yeah, your university is wonderful.

Amelia: Do you remember the dream I told you.

Nicole: You mean your daydreaming ( joking). Of course, I would.

Amelia: It was like this.

Nicole: I didn't see you are with Gianna and Scarlett.

Scarlett and Gianna: Hi aunty, how are you doing now without us.

Nicole: I'm fine girls but I still miss your craziness without you I'm feeling lonely

Scarlett:Now will have to raise new creche as you did before

Nicole: I will try

Amelia: We have to go now

Nicole: Bye 👋, don't forget to check on me every day.

Amelia: Ok ma, it will be at 7:30 pm every day unless I want something emergency

Nicole: You have to behave there, bye


Talking with her friends.

Amelia: I didn't expect you guys but thanks for coming I don't have to worry about making new friends

Scarlett:Is fine, both of us we have the benefit

Amelia: We have to go and look at our classes.

They separate to find the classes.

Amelia on the class of students who are training to become a pilots

Amelia : (alone) on I have finally arrived let me go and take sit

Ms. Kyle: Are you, Amelia

Amelia: Yes ma'am

Ms. Kyle: You are in the wrong class.

Amelia: what does that mean

Ms . Kyle: You belong in Class X( students who are training to be scientists and researchers) in A block.

Amelia: Why because I belong in this course.

Ms. Kyle:There is an error.

Amelia: Fine.

The speaker from the office. May we welcome our newcomers from international.

(U.S.T. is an International University that has more than 6.7 thousand students it was established in 2008. It is the first university that deals with every course that deals with science and technology only. In this school, many people have failed to enter because of the high expenses. Some have survived because of bursaries.)

Amelia: It must be bad luck for me to join a new course.

Scarlett: what happened but you are still lucky because you are in block A unlike us who are in block be.

Amelia: Sorry but still we will see each other.

Scarlett: That must be easy for you because..........

Amelia: because of what

Scarlett: We are not allowed to pass the fence.

Amelia:( angry) who said that.

Scarlett: Principal, of course. All who belong in block A are allowed to pass to block B anytime.

Amelia: ( shocked and angry) I going to complain about it.

Gianna: Don't do that otherwise they will punish you, or what if is big than that.

Amelia: Fine I will stay for the sake of our friendship.

Scarlett: Thanks for listening.

Amelia: No worries.

Gianna: I think you should give aunty a call and ask her what is going on.

Amelia: Yeah that is a great idea

Amelia called her mom

Nicole: what is going on here, are you fine, is everything okay.

Amelia: Yeah but my class is changed into another.

Nicole: I think is a mistake that I committed.

Amelia: I think I will have to update my new class.

Nicole: I'm sorry my baby girl.

Amelia: is fine, I have to go.

After she finished her conversation with her mother she saw ( Amanda ).

Amelia: Amanda wait for me

Amanda: I didn't see you, by the way, which class are you in.

Amelia: In the X in block A

Amanda: I didn't see you in class.

Amelia: what do you mean...

Amanda: we are in the same class...

Amelia: That's good, about Melissa.

Amanda: she is fine, but she didn't go to California.

Amelia: And then where.

Amanda: She is here.....

Amelia: What do mean.

Amelia: In this university but she is class A.

Amelia: oh okay that's good. We have to hurry up before its too late

Amanda: by the way can we be friends.

Amelia: sure.

Amanda: I'm happy.

Amelia: Sure, let's go but in my mind ( I wonder what she is up to now.)

Every day became great until .
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