

Talk back to the moon ~chapter 9

(。・ω・。)ノ♡ ellow!

So... This is chαptєr 9 of the story, if you didn't read chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, yet I advice you to read it before you read this one,
For it will help you get caught up on what's happen

𝔸𝕃𝕊𝕆... ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅ!
I am adding "PoV" also known as point of views

So if I say something like
>Daniel's PoV<
It means that the person speaking is Daniel

Eniway! Hope You enjoyyy :)))

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing...
It was messeges from Zach :)

ᴢᴀᴄʜ: Hey! U up yet!
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: get up!!!
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: don't forget our date princess! 😉

The messages put a smile on my face, it does every morning!

ᴍᴇ: Hey! I just woke up...
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: Gud morning!!! Did I wake u?
ᴍᴇ: nah, I'm not a morning person...
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: 😂

Time Check!!!

I went down stairs for breakfast, my hair still in a messy bun.
And me still looking at my phone, as my mom put a plate in front of me with French toast in it.
I put down my phone and started eating.

"were you talking to Zach?" my mom asked,
"Why would you ask?" I said,
"Nothing... You father told me about him, and how he ACTED around you, are you guys dating?" she then explained...

"uhmm... Actually, I think I'm going on a date with him later today."I said trying to keep a smile away from my face... I couldn't help it to the thought that me and Zach are dating.
"oh really..." she said, grinning while cleaning the dining table,
"mom, why are you cleaning that it's not evem dirty!" I nagged for no reason and my mom laughed, while just them my phone buzzed.

ᴢᴀᴄʜ: Hey you there?
ᴍᴇ: Yuh!
ᴍᴇ:where are we going for our DaTe?!

ᴢᴀᴄʜ: I wanted to take you out to a movie...
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: and actually watch it😅
ᴍᴇ: you don't wanna cuddle with me? :<
ᴢᴀᴄʜ: nah I'll do that later😉

And I instantly blushed while finishing my toast and then took a sip of my coco.

After I ate breakfast I took a shower, put my hair in a messy bun, and wore a light blue hoodie, and some shorts...
I then went to my bed and started texting Zach,

ᴢᴀᴄʜ: Princess I'm gonna pick you up in 10 :)
ᴍᴇ: okayyy I'll be ready!

I looked at the mirror and started fixing myself up, about 12 minutes later the door bell rang,
I practically ran downstairs to see Zach with my dad

>ᴢᴀᴄʜ's ᴘᴏᴠ<
I was excited for our date, when I rang the door bell, about 7 seconds, Mr. Rica answered the door.

"Hello sir!" I said a little nervous but was still able to smile.
"Zach! Come in!" he said gesturing his hand for me to come inside. I walked inside to see the stairs leading to Abi's room still closed, I guess she was still getting ready.
"Are you taking my daughter on another date?" Mr. Rica said sitting down and started reading his newspaper...
"uhm... Yes I am!" I said, still very nervous...
"where are your parents Zach? Can we meet?" He said, as of that moment I heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs, it was Abi, I looked at Mr. Rica, and he looked back at me
"we'll talk about this later..." he said as Abi pulled my hand, "Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" she said...
She was all jumpy and excited...
"Bye Honey! Have a good time!" her mom said,
"Zach! Take care of her!!!" her dad then continued...

She closed the door and hugged me, I hugged back...

>ᴀʙɪs ᴘᴏᴠ<
I hugged back, I missed his warmth...
Later, I then pulled away...

Zach smiled at me "Are you ready for our date?!"

"Yeah!" I said,
"Yeah?" he replied giving me a helmet, oh no, I know what this means...
His motorcycle,
I took the helmet and said "fine" while playthfully rolling my eyes...
I then hopped on the motorcycle and we headed to the Cinemax...

When we got there Zach leaded me to the food court, after he ordered I then ordered popcorn, and soda, "anything for a pretty lady" the guy serving the counter said with a smirk, Zach then furrowed his eyebrows,
And snaked his hands on the very lowered Side of my back (I forgot what its called)

He then gave the counter guy a death stare and tighten his grip to my waist,
After he gave me my food, he also gave Zach a death stare


We then sat in the middle of the room, I then realized there was a piece of paper in my order,
It had a number on it and it said call me. Xoxo Cole,

What's that? Zach said curious at what I was holding, when he read it he got furious again, "that di*k" he whispered to himself but I managed to hear it.
I smirked at what he said "are you jelous" I whispered to him, my face closer to his ear...
He then looked at me and squeezed my hand. I felt butterflies in my stomach...

We were watching 'friends with benefits'
(if U haven't watch that movie yet, it's really funny🤣)

When we got out of the room, Cole 'the counter guy' was still there, he smiled at me, and I smiled back, coz... Why not?
He then waved at me, and I waved back...

>ᴢᴀᴄʜ's ᴘᴏᴠ<

I enjoyed the movie, especially because I was with Abi...
Then, That cole guy had to ruin my day, he didn't really did anything. But it still made me mad, like, I want Abi to be mine, and only mine. I want that to happen, coz right now, I don't have any rights to be mad...

I don't have any rights to be jelous.

He waved at Abi, why am I mad at just that?!?! Maybe because he gave Abi his number...?
What ever, I was mad...
I grabbed Abi's wrist and I put her on my back, and I ran outside, and heard her laugh, her laughing is like music to my ears. When we got outside we realized it was raining... I put my Jacket on Abi's head to protect her from the rain, causing her to blush, I smirked at her behavior.

We got on the motorcycle and it was too slippery, I was scared we might crash...
The weather was getting more windy...

"is your house near?" Abi asked tightening the grip to my waist fearing to let go coz of the weather...

"uhm... Yeah!" I said, my house wasn't really far from the cinemas
"Can I stay there until the storm goes away?" she asked
"sure I don't see why not." I replied.

Once we got there she looked nervous with my Jacket still in over her head,

I took her hand and ww ran inside, all soaked up...

>ᴀʙɪ's ᴘᴏᴠ<
I was scared to ride on Zach's motorcycle but now I'm even more scared thag there was a storm,

When we got to his house I was worried that his parents might not like me in thier house...
But Zach pulled me by the wrist and into the house...

When we got there Zach turned on the lights and there were no people...
"where's your family?" I asked, "I live here by myself, my family is in Texas... I moved out to finish school"
He said... I nodded.

And I grabbed my phone, now wet.
Good thing it's water proof!
I texted my dad that I have to stay with Zach coz of the weather... And they agreed.

I then realized my clothes were soaking wet.
Zach then tossed me a towel,
And handed me one of his hoodies... "you can wear that so you won't be wet..." he said chuckling a little.
The bathroom's over there, he said pointing to a door...
"okay..." I said walking to the door...

I rubbed my skin clean, and changed, and I realized I had no pants since mine was now wet.
I put on Zach's hoodie and realized it was HUGE. It nearl reached my knees, so i didn't wore pants. Thinking that Zach wouldn't notice...
I then left my clothes in the bathroom...
The Rain hasn't gotten any better...
I couldn't sleep. I was laying in Zach's chest, while we were watching Netflix.

Time CHECK!!!
Iy was soo late. And then... The rain stopped.

I was still laying in Zach's couch not knowing where Zach was. I was on my phone as I realize the time. I couldn't go home, I would be locked out at that hour!!!
Coz I forgot the keys to my house...

Then, Zach came from the Backyard door. He was surprised thay I was still awake, "You wanna go to the trampoline? I heard there's a meteor shower tonight...

Well that was odd, but I really wanted to see the meteor shower, so I nodded, and he smiled...

I went to the door, and saw the backyard and saw that the trampoline had blankets and pillows on it. It had fairy lights around it aswell... I was so surprised! "you like it?" Zach asked hugging my waist... I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled... Like REALLY BIG!

I then jumped to the trampoline, and Zach followed. I looked up and saw the moon. "you wanna talk to the moon?" Zach said still looking at me...
I nodded, still speechless for what is going on... Its like I'm in a movie or something...

I buried my head into his chest and he had his arms around me. This is soo comfortable, his warmth with the thick blankets.
Also I didn't want him to see my blush

He knew I couldn't speak, so he looked up.
"Hey moon!" he started
"thank you for tonight!!!" he said smiling, I kissed his cheek, and looked up at him, he looked down at me. And we stared into each other's eyes. "A sky full of stars and I'd still look at you" he said, putting some hair over my ear.
He kissed my forehead, and cuddled all the way

Time check
"Princess!" Zach whispered while shaking me softly to wake me up as I almost drifted to sleep

"huh?" I said, looking at Zach as he pointed to the sky.
Meteors were soaring the skies like Shooting stars...
It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and this is the most beautiful night I have ever been.. "this night was beautiful" I said...

"your more beautiful" Zach continued and had a smirk in his face...
I messed with his hair making it more messy than it was before. He now looks at me with a nervous look,
"A-Abi?" he said, his voice shaking
"hmm?" I hummed.
"can I ask you something?" he said...
"yeah...?" I said now looking at him.

"what if I told you I love you, what would you say?" he asked, I felt my face heat uo and he saw me blush, and smirked.

"I'de say I love you too..." I replied.

"what if I told you, I would protect you no matter what," he then continued...
My face now a darker tint of pink.
"then I would believe you"
I said.

"what if I told you you were the one I want to grow old with. The one I would marry" he said with a huge smirk

Okay.... Me at THIS point. My face is now a fvking red tomato.

I looked at him. My eyes teary, not knowing what to say,
He could see I was speechless, so he said;
"what if I ask you right now...."

"Abigail Rica!, what if I ask you 'will you be my girlfriend' "
He said, "I would say YES" I said my eyes teary, I guess this was just sooo sweet...
"but maybe you should stop saying 'what if' and start asking me" I said, now smirking...

"Abi, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks...
"Yes, Yes I will" I said before I buried my head to his neck, to cover up my blush

>ᴢᴀᴄʜ's ᴘᴏᴠ<
Yes! Yes!!!
She's finally MINE!!!!

I shouted.
Hoping I wouldn't wake uo the neighbors...

After that, we just slept the night away, with her in my arms.

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So... This is a long a$s chapter!
But I hoped you enjoyed😂💅😊