

1870 Nightmare 2
Later that day, Terry explained to the receptionist what happened. The receptionist told Terry that by 11:30PM she will get the key to room 103, so that they can see what Raymond Wilson is hiding. "Terry asked", how will you get the key? The receptionist replied", leave it all to me.
Terry said," I will help you get the key, you can't do it all by yourself.
11:30PM, Terry and the receptionist carried out there plan, they were successful in getting the key. They went to room 103, opened the door and switched on the light, surprisingly for them the room was normal and neat. When they were about to leave, they heard a noise; "the receptionist said", the noise came from the bathroom. They slowly walked towards the bathroom and opened the door, there was a book on top of a table, when they got closer to the book, they noticed that the book was an ancient book titled "Demons". The receptionist was shocked and her hand was shaking in fear. Terry opened and started reading the book, he was reading the book so fast. When the receptionist turned and look out of the window. She saw Raymond Wilson's car approaching, so she told Terry, we need to leave; Raymond Wilson is coming and Terry quickly dropped the book on the table leaving it open and he closed the two doors. Quickly, they returned the key and pretended as if nothing happened.
Raymond Wilson entered the hotel that night and was holding a small black bag. He went to room 103, he opened the door brought out two candles from the bag and lighted it. When he opened the bathroom door, he found the book open, he was so angry that he had a heart attack and one of the candles he was holding fell on the book, setting it on fire and the other candle fell rolling to the curtain, it set the curtain ablaze, smoke was coming out of the room. All the employees rushed to the room including Terry, that was when they saw Raymond Wilson on the ground at the same time Terry saw that the book has been burnt. He kept looking at the book until they left the room. They rushed Raymond Wilson to the near by hospital, Max Wilson immediately arrived at the hospital, "he asked Terry what happened", I don't know, a fire broke out in room 103 so when we got there we found him lying on the ground, "Terry replied".

© Izuuchukwu Stanley