

Sleeping with the enemy!
It was one fine sunny Monday afternoon, in a typical southern town. I had dreams of exploring the world and experiencing things I never thought possible. There was a burning desire to move and see what else is out there. So exactly what I did, I moved to the big city. I was amazed by the buildings and astonished by the number of people I got to interact with on a daily basis. Went in search for jobs here and there. Then on one fine day I met him, him would turn out to be the biggest mistake of my life. His name was Spencer, he approached me in the supermarket, asking me of my opinion on which brand he should choose. I was flattered and amazed that, such a dashing and good looking man would even care about my opinion on detergent brands. He then asked for my number and within a day or two gave me call. We went out for drinks and from casual drinks, we started going out for lunch and lunch turned into dinner. Before I realized we were dating and my dreams of becoming an interior designer went out the building because he became my whole world. He promised me a whole lot of things, promise to travel the world, to get a home with that white picket fence. To build a family together and to grow old together. Soon I discovered it was all just dream, I was sold (fools gold). He had it all planned out from the moment he met me, till the moment he discarded me. I was prey from the get go, he manipulated his way into my life. My friends became his friends, my family became his family, my likes and dreams became his. It was like he wanted to become me. We moved into our new apartment in December and spent the holidays together with my family. Never got to meet his family, every time I asked about his family he would always make an excuse, they're old and fragile. They live in a small town in Nebraska and he is an only child, being the naive little woman I was I believed him. Not long he proposed and asked me to marry him, I said yes and he suggested a little ceremony nothing fancy. Now I am Mrs.Thomas, was over joyed and felt on top of the world. Soon I will discover the world was on top of me. He started to gradually pull me away from the things I love, the people I loved and cared about. It was like my life wasn't mine anymore and I began to wither away like a wild flower. Every ounce of passion, drive and will power I had before meeting him went out the door. Soon the abuse started, in little subtle doses, a slap here and there. A disgusted look here and a spiteful comment about my weight gain. I had lost myself and my joy of living was gone. Early March 2010, he asked me to sign papers for a life policy and I asked in who's name was the policy taken out? He responded harshly yours and I was too timid not to sign it. I started feeling my health deteriorating, I became depressed and didn't have no zeal to live anymore. He stopped me from working and at home he started preparing our meals. As the days kept passing by I felt sick and weak everyday. My intuition was telling me something is off and wrong. I felt so drained, I hardly got out of bed during the day. This went on for a couple of months, till my family decided to take control and wanting me to get professional help. Initially he refused to allow me to be admitted at the hospital but later gave into the pressure from my parents. There it was discovered from my results that I had traces of arsenic in my blood. He was slowly killing me off, so he could get his hands on that life policy. Never could have imagined that man I met and fell in love with could wish death upon me. I was sleeping with the enemy along.