

A Grim Twist of Fate - Chapter 3
Drake sighed in exasperation. On and on. He couldn't stand it any longer. For the past 15 minutes Shea had been going on about her hair.

"How could you?... My hair... Oh my poor beautiful hair..."

He'd just about had enough. Just as he was about to chasten her about her childish behavior, a splitting headache seared his temples. He writhed in a pain that forced him to his knees in agony. Confusion filled his mind and he couldn't gather his thoughts. Then, a voice spoke out through his mind. A familiar voice. The voice of High Master Greta.

"Run Drake... You must take the girl and run... Please Drake... You must go now... Take the girl... Trust no one... He is coming."

He could feel the fear radiating through the mind link and it made his blood run cold. Then her pain and his cheek started as if he'd been slapped. He tried to reach out to her, but it was like the signal was blocked. He was shocked. Stunned. He felt like he was frozen in time. As the mind link began to fade one more message came across that made his head spin and his heart flutter.

"... And Drake... I lied... I do love you... And I always have."

Just as suddenly as it came, the mind link disappeared.

"Greta?! Greta?!" he cried out, but there was no reply. He glanced to her office window and caught a glimpse of a sinister shadow staring his way. Something about the evil that emitted from the shadow made his flight instincts kick into high gear.

He grabbed the still fuming arm of Shea and pulled her towards the woods.

She pulled back definently and stated angrily, "What do you think you're doing? First, you singe my hair and now you're dragging me off to the woods... What's next? Killing me?"

Drake turned to look at her and stated coldly, "Shea, we need to go. Now!"

For a minute she looked as if she would argue, but something in his eyes made her quit fighting him and go willingly.

"Fine," she huffed, "but you owe me an explanation."

Together they ran off through the woods. What they were running from, or who, Drake didn't know. He didn't know who the 'He' was that Greta had been so fearful of, but he had a feeling it had something to do with the sinister shadow in her office window. He had so many questions and no answers. He tried to focus on thinking of a place they could hide, but his mind kept wandering back to Greta's last statement.

"... And Drake... I lied... I do love you... And I always have."

She loved him? Why had she lied about it? Why Greta? What was going on and what did this girl have to do with it?

He was getting another headache and he could tell Shea was getting tired. They'd have to find some shelter and rest and soon.

© Raeya