

A new battery...
Shell got home and her house phone rang now that can't be but one person. Hello she said hey a voice said. It was Pete's sister and Shell's friend Barbara bka Barbie. Girl I haven't talked in ages way you at...
On the way to yo house Barbie said. After getting in the house the two ladies hugged like they hadn't seen each other for years but that hug was really for console. How'How'd you know I was here Shell asked, Pete she said so he knows, yeah he told to come over here be here for you. The phone rang,, Shell put it on speaker hello she said... You alright the voice said how you get my home number Shell asked,, who's there,,Shell just looked at Barbara sideways Barbara lifted both hands and mouthed he asked. You alright Pete asked again Shell took a few seconds yeah I'm good, I'm here he said, Shell whatever I'm here...yeah she said goodnight...
Hey he called me to the shop and told me
what was going on and told me to come over here to make sure you was ok and had everything you needed. You know my brother ain't gonna let it go like that you know how he feel about you Barbara said.
You want to talk about it.... What are you gonna do Barbara asked, I'm going to bed and do what I've always done. I'll call you tomorrow when I get home from work Shell said.