

***chapter 3***

The day had turned dark and cold by the time I get to the bottom of it I just had enough time to run and board the train behind myself and mystery man I sit at a distance from them and I will keep my distance at least until I know what the fuck is going on. ....
'Darkness then light darkness then light' as the train makes its way from Baron street to Payton Ave. Each time the darkness tried to light I looked twars me and Mr mystery man and they looked to be deeply in conversation with each other. Directly across from me was a younger man a Asian guy who was looking me directly in the eye, so I take it he could see me clearly. I was prompted to look over his shoulder to see if I coud indeed be seen and to my astonishment I could see a reflection of some one except it wasn't me I saw. All of this was weird to me and I can't figure out what the fuck was going on.
Asian guy was still starring at me then it went dark when the light came back there was now a dark skinned black guy he's smiling at me and then it went dark again son of a bitch what just happened.When the light came back it wasn't the same black guy he's now a little Hispanic girl and she said " hola " when she looked at me. Turning my attention to the mystery man and me they were looking at me. Not really sure what to do I just nodded my head and looked straight ahead. Darkness then light came and went again and then I was looking at me and Mr mystery man, howed they when did they,I must be high or trippin on something. That lil red pill.!!!!
* Click clack click clack * I know that sound it was the 6 1/2 heels miss leather two piece was walking in and then I was looking at the red door again and this time I was reluctant to enter the room with the white walls ad and Mr Creepy bald guy Dr. Zeron or whatever his name is. I reached out to grab Miss 6 1/2 inch heels and I felt the light switch in the white room underneath my fingertips. Instinctively I flipped it up and the whitelight came on. As last time the same thing was happening the widow to the Dr.s booth came down and the wizard of Oz Dr. Zeron was looking at what appeared to be a writing tab or a file folder of sorts I could vaguely make out a picture of myself paperclipped to the top of the file. It looked like a picture of me when I was about 5 year old and then I noticed that there was not just one but several of them and all of me at different times and of all ages al the way up till now. What the fuck is going on how had these people been following me my entire life undetected all that time...How hadn't Irealized this beforehand. Now is when I began to feak out. As hed done before he sat in silence and then he handed me the tiny round red pill and the other Dixie cup with water. Id been preparing for this moment and I told myself that I was not feeling it so I swore not to take this itty-bitty lil red pill anymore or the water, I wasn't sure which one was the cause of the weird shit so to be safe I ain't fuckin with neither. ,aThen I felt the water trickling down my chin and I still could taste the bittersweetness from the tiny red pill. ( **why's it red and not yellow or green or even purple*) I wondered.
Oblivious to the other things around me that is until I'm blindsided by a Toyota f150. ***buuuunuuuunmp buumbuumbumm***
the horn blares as the truck sped past me spraying all kinds of rainwater from the wet muddy gutter along the street...Great now I'm wet and it's getting cold out here. So I began to walk, aimlessly at first but then I had a thought.
The first thing that came to mind is where the fuck am I .? Not me but the other me and her mystery man. This time I didn't have to look for them they literally just now bumped into me. "Hey watch where your goin pal" Mr mystery man said, " Yea you drunk or sumthin":Me said... **;Pal** ?????i thought then I turned and looked at myself in the store window that was behind me and I had to do a double take. How the fuck am I a man now.???? Puzzled and kind of freaked out because the last time I checked my reflection in the mirror I wasn't me but I was a woman still....not this time. I must've muttered an apology even though it was their bad not watching where they were going... Meredith Vieira the strange lady from the Botanica down the street was now approaching me and fast. As I tryed to side step her she only mirrored my movements staying in front of no matter what direction I moved she stayed directly in front of me.
At this time I really don't want to play with anyone or about anything I am trippin. Outraged by her actions I get nose to nose with her and I scream in her face loud as I can what the fuck do you want from me !!!!???? At this point I'm completely pissed off and all she said was " Bin aqi" in Spanish that is "come here" And without another word in Spanish or English she headed back to her creepy shop. Inside Theresa she later told me her name was, had all sorts of weirdo shit skulls black roses different skeletons and things floating around in jars. There was a pungent aroma in the air of death like a dead dog or cat was near. This made me queezy I wanted to call earl right then and there." Um excuse me can I use your restroom ?" I asked.This voice is still new to me and I was spooked by it and she could tell that I was. She said " On the right over der." in a thick Mexican accent. and pointed down a narrow hallway. She said quickly I do not tink cho have'ed too musha times, mija. ,Handale' go quickly, yes.!" she expressed waving her raher chubby little fingers in the all frantically. Once in the bathroom I washed my face ran my fingers through my hair. Boy do I need some sleep. I wipe the dusty mirror with my sleeve and lean closer trying to get a up close look at the person I was now... That's when it hit me she said "mija" that means girl in Spanish but the face I'm looking at now was clearly a man. "SHE KNOWS"
**** the end of ch.3***
© NikishaDWarwick