

The better sister
Chapter 2

Next week

Kimberly got up going into her daughter's room seeing her still sleeping. She closed it went downstairs and called her mom.

"Hey ma. Is there anything you need me to cook before heading there later?" Kim said

"Just make your baked macaroni for me,e", Ma said before hanging up.

Kim cooked breakfast and went back upstairs to wake her baby girl up.

"Mama sweet pea get up so you can eat," she said

Hailey was only 3 years old but full of life. Ki has been taking care of Hailey on her own since her baby daddy doesn't come around unless he wants some sex.

Going downstairs her phone began to ring. She put Hailey in the highchairgaveg her plate to eat and picked up her phone

"What do you want? Kim said

"To check on my daughter,"  he said

"Bo,y you never check on her. Buy her some clothes shoes, learning books something before you call and check on her bye" Kim said hanging up.

Kim called her only friend who would be there for her any step of the way.

"Hey boo", Dana said

"So why did James call me talking about my daughter" she said

"The nerve of him. He buys some clothes shit some shoes?" She asked

"Now you know that what I told him. Then hung up on them Girl I don't have time for that" Kim said

"No, I feel you nobody does. Take care of our seed. AAnywho Plans today?" Dana asked

"Yeah. My mom wants to have this dinner with me and me...

"Whoaa.  You all haven't spoken in 3 years since the last time you fought. How do you feel about it? You were pregnant then" Dana asked

"I don't know honestly. You know I love my sister. It's just the way she acts now like I wasn't the one who got her to where she is" Kim said

"Look, sis. You did great by getting your ssistsisterere she at. But don't beat yourself up about it." Dana said

"How can I not.?When I put my dreams on hold for her just for her to leave and not speak to us in months then it popped up acting g as if she bis better than me. No" Kim said getting mad

"I feel you, sis. Look maybe it's time for you two to have a conversation. You can't keep having this in your head" Dana said

"Yeah, you're right sis. Ttyl" Kim said hanging up.

Even though Wana said Kim was good. But she knows her sister ain't gone have this conversation without an argument.

Kim cleaned up her kitchen and whipped her daughter down after eating. She went upstairs to get her and her daughter together. They head out to go to the nail salon. Kim would take her and her daughter out every week to get their nails and feet done even though Hailey nail polish would come off within hours. Pulling up and getting out she saw a familiar face walking up to her.

"Look at that pretty little girl. Here you go" he said hanging Hailey 5 dollars

"You know you don't have to do that every time you see us", Kim said picking her daughter up.

"You know you and her mean something to me", he said smiling

"O'Neal thank you", Kim said

"No need to thank me. So when are you going to stop sending me off so I can take you on a date?" He asked

Kim knew O'Neal from James. O'Neal was one of JJames'homeboy until James robbed O'Neal for some cash years ago.

"Nobody spends you. I like don't have time for real. If it ain't work it's mommy time" Kim said

"Okay so bring her along. I don't mind taking both of you out" he said

"I mean...

"Look it's okay. No rush. Just think about it. You haven't been out since you became baby daddy. And honestly, you seem like you need a Little fresh brother of air" he said

"Okay maybe", she said

"Take my number", O'Neal said taking out his phone and giving out his number

Kim took his number down leaving Gtogointo the nail salon. She stayed for 2 hours.

Pulling up to her mother she sees her auntie's car in the driveway. She got out and went inside her motherhouse

"Hey all," Kim said putting Hailey down

"Hey auntie little girl", Pam said hugging Hailey

"How yare ou doing kim?" Her mother said

"I'm fine. Took Hailey to get our nails done" she said

"And hi to you", Pam said looking at Kim

"Didn't I come in here and say hey y'all?" Kim said

"You getting smart?" Pam said

"No are you?" Kim asked


"Look not today", her mother said going into the kitchen

Pam and Kim never got along ever since Kim felt like Pam was always taking the eme side on everything. Kim walked into the kitchen seeing her mother got everything together for dinner.

"So your sister will be here in like 2 or 3 hours. And please have some sense" she said

"Why it's me all the time.?" Kim asked

"It's not you all the time Kimberly. I'll tell her the same. I don't know why all have this hatred towards each other It's dies today" her mother said

"If your daughter kills all her ego maybe", Kim said

"And maybe If you stop thinking she's better than you then maybe all can have a conversation", Pam said budding in

"And nobody was talking to you pPam, Kim said

"I'm your auntie and you talk to me with respect little girl," Pam said getting up.

"Last time I checked aAuntiePam I'm grown asl. So little girl never. And maybe if you ain't bud in trying to get smart I wouldn't say shit to you now would iI" Kim said looking at Pam

"Kim watch your mouth in front of my grandbaby and stop talking to your auntie that way", her mother said

"Like honestly I ain't gone do this with none of yall I'll leave", Kim said picking up Hailey.

"You ain't going nowhere You staying." Her mother said

Kim went back into her mother's room to put Hailey to sleep. She came back out an hour later.

"Hailey sleep. I'm going to the store real quick" Kim said leaving out.
Kim left going home to make the macaroni for dinner later.

© Myesha O