

The Street Lights

While sitting on the balcony of my house, trying to memorise “The Road not taken” by Robert Frost. I tried very hard not to distract myself. But suddenly, something very beautiful caught my attention. The sky. I sat there, pinned to my chair for a moment, admiring something eye - catching.

A myriad birds, chirping together in a melody which makes you wonder whether or not they are trying to convey something to you.

A Bunch of cheerful squirrels cheesing their way up on trees that reach higher than my eyes can see. The environment gave me a funny, but weird,archaic feeling. As if it was trying to connect with me. As if, my mind and soul were trying to connect with it.
Then, I looked a little bit down. I saw a huge amount of smoke coming from various buildings and other, shorter trees. I turned back up, and I see that the light, heavenly, blue sky has a part of a bright, tinged, orange in it. After that, I see clouds … most people would say, they {clouds} look like snow, or cotton. But, when I saw them, I saw them as a whole; in the sky. The first thing that came to my mind was, blueberry snow crush lemonade in a spherical container, with marshmallows on top. As I took that picture slowly, lazily, out of my mind, I looked back at the sky and I saw a little tinkering and flickering. I then looked below to see street lights. Now, the sky looked like nothing but the reflection of man - made lights. I felt as if those fake lights ate, sucked away all the brightness from the sky, and instead, let only a mirror for its own light remain. I closed my eyes and I saw nothing. I hoped to open my eyes to some satisfaction. I opened them. What I saw looked like a peck of vanilla essence spreading like wildfire in the blueberry snow crush lemonade, with the marshmallows on top stretched out, like, they were never meant to be marshmallows. Looking at the sky will no longer be treasurable. What I saw was a reflection; of what?