


My belief in almighty have gone worse. Those days were hard for me to move on .My pillows knew my pain,they helped me to calm down . Everyone came to show some sympathy on me ,oh yes they sat beside me told me everything was gods plan may be he have done this to give something else which is better than what you got,or maybe he would have thought this was not enough for me , what else they could say their presence just made me feel even more uncomfortable .It was really hard for me to belive that my better part is not with me anymore .I knew it is happening for real but still wished it to be a nightmare.

I was 18 when i met him , persuing my graduation he was not in my college but we used to meet everyday in bus and gradually he started talking to me .I am not actually good with talking to boys even my friends where short listed ,it could be because i was always over concerned about my appreance, i always mess up while talking to boys, don't know how i was comfortable with him .
he was working in a company few meters away from our college our friendship grew stronger .My parents were strict about boys . I was sure that im dead when my appa find out my friendship with him. We were good friends like really good friends i shared everything with him i felt so free with him ,i felt special when iam with him .
It was the day of convocation he promised me he would be there on that day and there is a surprise for me .I couldn't even sleep that night reapeting what he said over and over again thinking what would it be!!
The day has arrived my family was there and i was searching for him ,he was no where to be found, the ceremony finished i was so depressed , saying farewell to all my friends who where busy taking selfies and giggling my mind was so depressed so i said to my parents that we can go now they were also surprised to see me like that . I was walking towards the car .I was walking with eyes on my feet when we reached near to the parking area i heard a familiar voice ,i looked up YES!! it was him ,still cant say what was i actually feeling at that time happy or sad or angry .I felt like iam having a heart attack to see him talking to my parents , he was not alone his parents was also with him i was not sure what was he upto i murmured to to him with my lips what was happening over there he just winked at me . He have brought his parents all the way here to meet my parents for a marriage proposal, i was shocked i never thought he liked me .
our parents talked together for a long time and then after that long conversation my appa shaked hands with his papa and we both said bye and came back home .Appa asked me one thing that we were in a relationship or not i told him everything that i don't even have his phone number and we used to meet in the bus ,after that there was no discussion about this topic in our home after 3 weeks appa said that a family is coming to our home to meet me and to get ready for the next day i said okay even though i wanted to say appa that i love that guy whom they saw in my college on that day , i didn't have enough courage to say to my appa .Next day i got ready and they were here for my surprise it was his papa and mama and his family members and also him.I was shocked and everyone was laughing at me to see me like that . My family was happy with this proposal , even fixed our marriage date after 6 months . He bought me a mobile phone, that was the first timefor me to have a personal mobile .Hope you know what would have happened next we were more closer now than earlier .for the first time in my life i was in love ,i felt so complete when i was with him . One day we went for an outing with all the permission from my family ,he came to my home to pick me and we decided to go to a beach . We talked for a long time ,walked through the shores holding hand in hand ,yes i was super special and i was feeling that for the first time . We were going back he dropped me in my home said bye and went , he didn't called me that night and i thought to myself that maybe he is tierd and i would call him next day , next day i waited till afternoon to get a call from him ,his last seen on whatsapp was when he was with me . So i decided to call him ,i called him ,said hello but it was not the sound i was expecting for ,it was his mother. Her voice have changed i asked her that she is okay or not ,i couldn't hear anything but loud crying i asked again what happened, there was no reply .I said this to my mom and she said that call one more time , i did and his appa said hello with a hard and shaking voice and said "he is gone ,he is no more ,it was an accident that happened yesterday night on his way back home ......"

i don't know what he said next, my ears turned deaf and felt a darkness in my eyes my limbs turned weak. i was in the bed when I opened my eyes and everyone was already there to sympathize on me .

© kalyani

dear readers ,should i complete this story that what happened in her life after this.? please inform me ❤️