

My Best Friend
I don't know how many people have felt like they've had it, like there is nothing else that they can possibly endure because they've lived it all. Then right when the light is about to fade out and you're about to give up hope and faith in everything... Especially anything on the side of happiness or contentment, completely losing it and just then its like something, somewhere finally gives and you find yourself being understood by another human being. You find yourself connecting on a level you thought was unreachable by anyone else. You find that friendship and it's so surreal you don't want to wake up and find it all to be a cruel dream.
Although it would be par for the course. Except it's not a cruel dream this time its real and over time by getting to spend time with him and getting to know him I find myself not alone. I find myself smiling and laughing like never before! I get to be me and not have a guard up. I get to be real and unmask all I've hidden no matter how dark or twisted, no matter how silly or crazy. I get to be me and I let him be him and we can't get enough of each other. This friendship saved my life!
We are both coming from the same broken place with roots so deep and tangled, lives so tragic yet hidden so well that the world has never known we were in such misery, pain so suppress that the world has never seen the true scars. But we see and we accept each other for who we are, where we've been, what we've done or had to do. Both living lives we know we have no place in, seeking refuge in each other and becoming the best of friends! Of course we had that feeling of being completely attracted to each other but never daring to jump down that rabbit hole! Only because of fresh wounds from very recent failed relationships.
Being completley okay being friends. Getting high just from the energy of being around one another. Hanging out smoking until the sun comes up, never running out of things to talk about and never running out of jokes. Bring each other to tears from just everything funny and not so funny. We've cried together, laughed together, and our friendship has grown to so much more than I could've ever imagined! Memories made that are forever etched in my heart and even my soul.
He is my person and I am his. We feel as though we are one person split into two bodies and the fucking world better watch out!
© JasmineShockeyey