

It was MINE!
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.Suddenly I saw a 2 mens taking a stretcher to a room with a covered dead body, I hid under the bench so that they would not see me.They kept the dead body in the room and went,so I went to look whats inside the room.There were many many dead bodies.As I was searching for the stretcher the mens brought, suddenly I again heard some footsteps approaching and the door opened I hid under the strecher ,it was the same man ,he came and attached a tag to the dead body they brought.He went and then I got up ,went to look at the tag it had written 2 June 2020 // 2:45pm //Death by car accident
Then I went to see the dead body, I screamed loudly as the saw the Body, I was shocked b..b...because the body was MINE!!
The same Guy came again ,this time I didnt get time to hid ,but he was not able see me.
Then I saw people getting up from tthe dead bodies and talking to each other but the bodies were still on the stretcher