

Where Destinies Unite : Episode 1
I was sitting alone in the park. It had started to rain, and the weather was chilly. They say I don't have a clear path- academics, career, relationships. Sometimes I feel guilty, sometimes tired. "What am I doing with my life?"

I felt the raindrops sliding down my cheeks, disguising my tears. My heartbeats slowed down. Was I losing the will to live? Was I thinking about giving up? I don't know.

I just knew that... I was a failiure. I had failed at everything I tried, not because I don't know how to do them, but because I mess things up. I have a habit of overthinking since childhood, but now it had become so prominent that it has been wrecking my life. There was no single person I could talk to. None of the people I called friends, could truly understand the pain I was going through.
All of a sudden, amidst the relaxing rainfall sound, I heard footsteps. It seemed like they were gradually advancing towards me...