

The student becomes the teacher... (jjba)
⚠️100% #NSFW🔞

AU where nobody dies, lmao. Takes place about 2 years after part 5. Narancia and Fugo are in a romantic relationship, Fugo is Sexually repressed, and Narancia is going to change that.

Narancia stretched his arms and yawned while everyone left the room. As Fugo looked like he was ready to leave too, he turned to him and whispered.

“Stay a bit. I wanna talk to you alone.” Fugo nodded in response and pretended to pick at his nails as he waited. Once they were alone, Narancia swiveled his upper body to face Fugo, hands on his knees.

“Why’d you have to be a whole year younger than me? I’ve been waiting so long for your birthday you know…” Narancia complained, looking intensely into Fugo’s eyes.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Fugos brows furrowed.

“I mean…You’re 18 now…”

“What is it? Are you excited that I can drink now? Don’t get your hopes up. I don’t care for that.” Fugo rolled his eyes and faced Narancia in his chair, crossing his arms, “What do you want me drunk for?”

“No! I don’t want to get you drunk!” Narancia facepalmed, grunting in frustration, “look at me…” Narancia leaned forward in his seat and slowly ran his hand up Fugo’s thigh, “You’re 18 now…” Narancias lips pursed a bit as his eyes looked more intently into Fugos. Fugo felt his heart drop. On instinct, he slapped Narancia in the face and stood up to get away from the touch, breathing heavily. Narancia flinched and raised his hands to show he meant no harm.

“Don’t touch me!” Fugo shouted, his voice and body both shaking.

“I’m sorry, Fugo! I…I shouldn’t have…” Narancia looked away in shame.

“You’re an idiot, you know?” Fugo mumbled.

“I…I know…” Narancia felt a pang of guilt hit him and his eyes began to water.

“You don’t even know that the age of consent in Italy is 14?” Fugo spoke a little louder, but his voice was relaxed.

“Huh? You…You’re not mad?” Narancia looked up to see that Fugo was still tense, but almost smiling.

“No. I was just…startled. I’ve…never done anything intimate before,” any hint of a smile that was there before faded from Fugo’s face to be replaced with an embarrassed grimace.

“Oh! That’s ok! It’s…Wait. Nothing? Like, nothing at all?” Narancias' eyes grew. Fugo’s shoulders touched his ears.

“Well, I’ve…never pleased myself, if that’s what you’re asking…”

“No way! Doesn’t that make you feel awful though? I know I get really frustrated if I don’t do it enough. Like…The urge is super unbearable and I get all moody and stuff…” Narancia scratched the back of his neck, getting a bit embarrassed, himself, “What do you do when you get hard?”

“I…never thought of it that way. I mean, I never envisioned the ‘consequences’ of not being intimate. I usually just ignore it until it goes away.”

“Shit, Fugo…I could never live like that…Are you ok?” Narancia immediately regretted the question. He felt so stupid asking that.

“Am I ok? I…Don’t really understand what you mean…” Fugo grimaced again, “I feel like I’ve always felt.”

“Nevermind. That was a dumb question.” Narancia cringed, “This is really personal…but…Well, when I don’t…uh…When I haven’t cum in a while…I get really horny all the time and It’s like…basically all I can think about and…and…If I don’t take care of it soon enough I feel like…I dunno…It just feels really bad and I get super stressed,” Narancia’s face was well reddened by now.

“I’m sorry…I understand you, but…I just don’t think I’ve ever felt that way…” Fugo shrugged and cautiously sat back down, his body finally relaxing.

“Hey…I know you’re unsure about all of this, but…maybe I could help you explore your sexuality a little. I mean, if that’s ok with you. I wouldn’t make you do anything if you were uncomfortable or something.”

“I…I don’t…I don’t know what to say.” Fugo looked into Narancias eyes as if he would find the answer there. He couldn’t think of anything and resorted to fidgeting.

“H-hey, no pressure! You don’t have to answer right away…Just know I’m ready whenever or you are. I can guide you through everything with no worries. Oh! By the way, I don’t mind if you turn out to be asexual or something. That’s ok too!” Narancia smiled and placed a tender hand on Fugo’s shoulder.

“Ah…Thanks Narancia…This is...a lot. I’ll take some time to think it over…” Fugo sighed and that was that. A week passed with not a word between the two about it. It was only when the two found themselves moving into a small home together (with some help from Bruno) that the topic resurfaced.

“Ugh…” Fugo wiped sweat off of his forehead as he let go of his side of the couch, “Is it in the right place?”

“Yup! Looks good. That’s the last of the stuff too. I closed up the truck so we can take a break now.” Narancia threw himself down onto the couch, draping his arms over the back.



“I think I’m ready.”

“Ready? For- oh…” his eyes locked with Fugo’s. Fugo was understandably nervous, but there was a determined look in his eyes.

“You wanna try something right here? On the couch?” Narancia began to feel quite aroused at this thought.

“Whatever works, I guess…” he glanced around the room, “So…how are we gonna start this? What do I do first?”

“Just relax and tell me if you want me to stop.” he whispered into his ear. Fugo let himself lie back on the couch and watched as Narancia undid his belt and unzipped his pants. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves, but his heart was beginning to race. He knew he wasn’t, but he felt like he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to. Like he would get in trouble if anyone found out. He flinched when he felt Narancia begin to palm him through his thong.

“Didn’t know you wore a thong, Fugo…that’s kinda kinky…”

“Ugh…I only w-wear it because boxers show through my pants.” Fugo’s voice was strained and he spoke through heavy breaths.

“Ah…Maybe stop wearing pants with holes in them, then~” Narancia teased.

“Shut the hell up. It’s the style and I like-OHhh-!” Fugo tensed up as he felt a hand firmly squeezing his manhood, pinching his head tightly. He hadn’t even noticed he was free from his thong,“Narancia…It’s not gonna hurt…is it?” he gulped.

“No…unless you want it to~” the squeeze tightened slightly.

“P-please no. No pain…” Fugo was shaking now.

“I wouldn’t do that to you, Panna~” Narancia’s grip loosened significantly and he spit on his hand before gently brushing his palm and fingers against Fugo’s semi-hard manhood, “You shaved…”

“S-sorry…Was I not supposed to?”

“No, no! That’s not what I meant…It’s your choice, really. I like you either way, Panna~ I just didn’t expect it to be so bare. It’s cute~”

“Are you shaved?”

“No…but to be honest, if I had prepared for this, I probably wouldn’t have taken off all my pubes anyways…”

“Ok…” sighed, “just…go easy on me, ok?”

“I promise, amore,” he pushed a squeaky kiss onto Fugo’s forehead. Narancia’s hand slid up, testing the waters. Once he reached the top, Narancia used his other hand to grip Fugo at the base before rubbing his palm against Fugo’s throbbing head. Fugo whimpered loudly at this, clenching his fists.

“Shhhhhh~” Narancia leaned in and kissed him just below his belly.

“S-sorry…it’s hard to be quiet…”

“Ah! No, no…You don’t have to be quiet! I was just trying to soothe your nerves…”

“Oh,” Fugo blushed, “Thanks,” he looked at him expectantly. Finally, Narancia cupped Fugo’s balls in his hand. Fugo whimpered.

“Wow…Your balls are mega full” Narancia gave them a slight squeeze, causing Fugo to flinch a little.

“You didn’t have to say it like that…” he blushed.

“Hey, you’re fully hard, now. Does it feel different this time?”

“It kind of feels warmer, I guess. Does it look ok?”

“It’s adorable but also really pretty,” Narancia kissed the head roughly,

“Ah~ That’s-!” Fugo shivered.

“You like that?”

“Uh. Yeah…M-more, please?” he fidgeted. Narancia slipped his lips over Fugo’s flushed manhood, squeezing with his lips as he made his way down.

“Hah! Nara~!” Fugo felt his hips move on their own. It startled him, but he didn’t show it, “It’s so soft and warm…I like this, Narancia~”

“Mhm~” Narancia began stroking Fugo with his lips, feeling him up with his tongue. Fugo felt himself bucking his hips again, but this time was harder. He felt Narancia gag over him.

“Sorry!” He bit his lip. Narancia slid his mouth off to speak.

“Do that as much as you want to. No worries, Panna~” He smiled and took Fugo back into his mouth. Lust hit Fugo like a train and he began thrusting into Narancias mouth, not caring about his broken moaning. Narancia held Fugo’s hips to help him along. The feeling was growing and growing. Hot pleasure engulfed Fugo as he continued his frenzied motions. Soon enough, the pleasure intensified. Without thinking, Fugo grabbed Narancia by the hair and took the pace into his own hands. Faster, faster, faster. Fugo had never felt so good in his life, and it felt even better to go so fast. He felt something weird happening, his body was tensing up and he was afraid again, but he didn’t wanna stop. Not now.

“Narancia-!” was all he could choke out before the feeling was suddenly ripped from him. Narancia had pulled away and out of his grip.

“Wait! No fair! You can’t cum without me!” He pouted. Fugo squirmed and let out a frustrated groan before reaching to stroke himself. Narancia pinned him down by the wrists, climbing up on him to put weight on his lap, “Shhhhhhhh~” he whispered into his ear, “You need to calm yourself now…Don’t squirm so much. This is called edging… I stopped you before you could cum.

“Wh-Why!? This feels really bad!” Fugo struggled.

“I wanted to cum with you. That’s why. I wanna be on top of you, Fugo. Do you know what that means?” Narancia petted the side of Fugo’s face.

“Yes, but…isn’t that…dirty?” Fugo cringed.

“Isn’t that the point?” Narancia drew close.

“No…I mean…unsanitary…” Fugo looked away.

“I have a condom, if that makes you more comfortable.” Narancia pulled a condom from his pocket. Fugo looked at it with curiosity. He’d never seen one before.

“Yeah…Yeah! D-do it!” Fugo’s excitement returned. Narancia giggled and slipped off his own boxers. He gently pulled the condom over Fugo’s erection before spitting on it a few times and lowering himself down. As Narancia held his shoulders, Fugo felt his tip press against his entrance. Then Narancia pushed down with a pleasured groan. Fugo felt a kind of hot pressure he’d never felt before. It felt amazing, but at the same time, it hurt a little. Narancia slowly pulled himself up and dropped down once again.

“How does that feel?” Narancia panted.

“Faster…Don’t talk anymore. Just go faster…” Fugo moaned. The other nodded, moaning a bit himself and increasing his pace. Up and down, bouncing hard in Fugo’s lap, taking him all the way in, “Faster!”

“Grab my hips!” Narancia spoke through heavy breaths. Fugo obeyed, “Fuck, Pannacotta~” Narancia saw Fugo’s eyes practically glow at the use of his full first name. He was very rarely called Pannacotta since it didn’t roll off the tongue as well as 'Panna' or 'Fugo' did. The two shared a warm smile, “You’re really stretching me out~ Heh” Narancia tried to keep his composure, but the pleasure overtook him, “Ugh~ Pannacotta~”

“I like that~ god, Narancia, that feels good~” Fugo let his mouth hang open.

“You’ve,” Narancia groaned, “R-really been missing out…A-ahhhh, yeah~” He bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut, “You know…you feel way better than toys...I usually don’t finish so fast, but I’m close already~”

“Ugh~I feel like I’m gonna piss myself-!” Fugo whimpered, trembling.

“You’re gonna cum, Pannacotta~ cum with me~” Narancia felt heat rush through his whole body, “I’m right there!~ I’ll hold back for you!~”

“N-NARA~!!” Fugo screamed out as an unfamiliar sensation took over his body. He felt his balls tighten as he gasped for air. He felt warm fluid shot out of his tip, but it definitely wasn’t urine, “I think I’m c-cumming,” he wheezed, letting the blissful release consume him. At the same time, Narancia let himself cum too, throwing his head back as he let out a guttural moan. His cum landed all over Fugo’s clothing, but they didn’t care. It felt too good to care. Narancia fell into Fugo’s embrace and the two rolled onto their sides, nuzzling into each other as they caught their breaths.

“How do you feel?” Narancia whispered.

“So much better…” Their lips pressed hungirly together for a few moments, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”