

Do warlords have no lovers?
Do warlords have no lovers?
The sound of the train whistle drives me crazy. What is all this whistling for? I panic and give her my handbag instead of the plate. He laughs. When are you laughing now? He forcibly places the food container in the bag. I look around. The station is full of people. Women and mothers who for no reason straighten their husbands' and son's clothes and say, "Wear warm clothes and eat well." It may sound ridiculous, but it's all scary. Fear of losing, otherwise everyone knows what's going on there. There is no mention of warm clothes or good food. When I look back, I realize that he has been staring at me for a few minutes. He smiles. I know he's playing a role. He doesn't want to see me upset. What a kind husband. He hugs me. I hug him tightly. I wish he never came out of my arms. God, why is this damn train whistling so much? There is a shout that says get on. Everyone goes to the train. Many are crying, women are forcing children to come down from their fathers' arms. I hold his hand tightly as if I'm afraid he'll get lost or run away. He turns to me, kisses my forehead, and just says a word goodbye. Just this . he's gone. I can hear the sound of his footsteps, I want to run to him, and like the time that he bothers me, I hit him on the head with a handbag, take him home, and put him in the barn so that no one can find him. He shakes hand for me when he wants to ride. I wave too. I think I'm crying. I don't know. There is thing else I don't know, and that is Do warlords have no lovers?