

My Friend-Fear
Fear is an unpleasant emotion which is caused by awareness of danger .Its inner voice which haunt you.Every one has their own inner voice..it may be positive or negative.When your thoughts are negative surely you are the friend of fear,aggressive,selfish,jealousy,lazy.
Fear and pain are the emotion which is unavoidable.We can overcome it through confidence and positive thinking.When you fail to care fear,its grow day by day and rule your life..you are the victim of your own evil .Fear defeat you..You feel helpless....fear control and later you become slave to fear..It not allow to face off the challenges.Instead of facing that you depend someone or escape the situation.Once fear occupy you,its very difficult to get release from it.It isolate you from everyone.Fear is a virus..it fog your thought..and make you gross.At one point you felt living in this world is too burden..
In the early stage its easy to destroy .When children grow, their fears grow too.Only through proper attention and care can eradicate this..Everyone has their own fear..i can list the things which scared and goosebumped me, they are lizard,darkness,group of people,stage fear,drive my car,etc..Fear are common to everyone..when it cross certain limit then it risk your life.
Negative thoughts are the main reason for fear.Actually imagination kill us than reality...
let me say a story ..Once upon a time a boy has a friend, his name is fear.They are very close friends.Fear influence the boy ..fear is a bad influence.Whatever the boy said fear oppose him..fear always stay with him..fear dominate him.fear not allow this boy to think rational.Fear said,hey dude am protecting you..i dont want others hurt your feelings and dump you..so follow my words.Boy said, okay.
The boy try to get first mark ..fear said,"you can't even get a pass mark.".but you are expecting first mark..don't waste your time and energy?like fear said,boy got very poormark because fear eat boy's confidence,energy,hope,trust little by little and fear feed as much as tension ,anxiety,panic,procrastination to this boy.Fear said,ok don't worry ..next time follow my words.The boy showed his grade sheet to his father.His father said stop friendship with fear anymore.. he spoil you a lot..The boy lash out and shout..Then boy regret his shamefull behaviour to his dad.
The school sports commitee announce the formation of football team ,those who interested plz give your name.The boy is very interest in football.so he decided to join in football team ...fear create a lot of halluciation in to his mind ..you can't play like them.. drop the idea of joining in the team ..you can't put goal ..they all going to laugh..fear is troubling him a lot..talking too much and inject more poisonous illusion.he couldn't play with this panic mind .He gave up the football dreams...too much of harrassment by fear...fear not allow him alone..always very close to him..
In his class once two newcomer joined. One of the girl name is bold and the another girl name is courage they are very smart and positive.He want to friendship with them.They become very good to him.Fear said, why are you close with them.We don't need their friendship.I like you more than any thing..Stop talk to them ..The boy said,"no..no i like them very much they are a good influence.He strongly oppose the words of fear...fear know its very difficult to influence bold and courage..now the boy is changed a lot..fear freezed!!.Now the boy has no time to talk to fear..After few days fear is missing in his bench..the boy asked his teacher ,what happened to fear?Teacher replied ,he got Transfer certificate and go to other school.The boy felt happy..And he is free to live his own life..
Like this story in your real life many things hold you back..please focus on that...and try to withdraw as soon as possible..life give chance to wake you up..so utilise it.. and redesign your life..Other wise you will fail to live your life...👍😘