

Remembrance Of Her Past
It's almost half past five. The Sun starts to set. Birds are flying in 'V' shape towards their nests. Children are playing around with full enthusiasm. A young couple with full of love, holding their hands tightly while crossing the street which shows their bonding in each other and how the life partners should live. It's Neetha who is sixty, a retired teacher watching all these by sipping her hot coffee. Each and every sips and the smell of her coffee makes her to feel free and relax. She sits slantly on her armed- wooden chair and looked over the sky where the moving clouds takes her thoughts back to her childhood days.

Neetha is a clever girl who was born in a village named Haripura even also called as green village because of its prosperities. It is a small village where Hundred families are residing and all the people in the village are possessing farming as their work. There is not much educated people and their dream is to make a good future for their Children.
There is a Government primary school which is three miles away from the village where children of Haripura are studying and so they have to walk to school by walk over this 3 miles.
One among them is Neetha a lean girl with long hair is very good in quick learning and always has a mind to help others. Her father named Krishna, a farmer who loves his daughter Neetha and his wife Radha very much who are his world. He would do anything for them.
It was after summer vacation, the first day of school. Neetha promoted to class five. The teacher entered and the class started.
"Good Morning Sir", Students wished in chorus as how we did in our schooling.
"Good Morning students, I am your class teacher" said Rajan with a calm voice. As it is a first day so Rajan didn't show his firmness. Moreover, Rajan is a good teacher who used to teach the students in a creative way.
"Students let me know about you all," Rajan said. Students are one by one started to introduce themselves. It's Neetha's turn so she stood and said, "I am Neetha, Ten years old from Haripura village. I want to become a teacher in my life. As she completed her turn, it's continued with next student and it goes on. However, end of the day, Neetha got a new friend named Barkavi who is also lives in the Haripura village. The first day of the school got over.
" Ding Ding Ding Ding," the school bell rang.
"Still I can hear those sounds in my ears, said old Neetha and blinked her eyes while watching the moving clouds.

I and Barkavi came out from the school and started to ran towards Haripura. As we reached the school gate, noticed that my father standing at the gate with his bicycle to take me home. I ran towards my father and hugged him tightly with full of love. My father kissed me too. Then, I introduced Barkavi to my father and requested him to drop Barkavi in her home. My father said, " Yes" with a smile in his face.
We reached home where my mom wore red saree which enhanced more beauty to her. She stood at the doorstep with a smile to welcome us. I and my father ran towards her and gave a hug to her. I shared everything with my parent that happened everything in the school. Then we had our supper and I slept with my father in the cot at terrace. I closed my eyes by looking at the full moon with the sparkling stars.
As days goes on well, it was last day of my Quarterly Exam, Barkavi and I came out from the school after finishing the exam. I noticed that one of Barkavi's little jhumka is missing in her ear. When heard this, Barkavi started to cry and ran back to the school. I don't know what to do, so I just followed her.
"Hey, Wait I will help you", Neetha said.
"Neetha,If I go home without my Golden Jhumka, my mother will scold and beat up me." Said Barkavi. Don't worry, we will find it.
"Come, let's go and search in the playground," Neetha said.
We bended down and started to search for it around the playground. We almost looked for it by our eagle eye.
"Oh God! Please help me to find out my jhumka. I will come and blaster a coconut for you temple" lamented Barhavi.
Huh, I found it. I found it Baru.
"Here it is," Neetha said.
Baru turned around and ran towards. And now the bulk in her throat cleared. She came towards me and gave me a tight hug and kissed me. After taking a deep breath, she said, "Thank you" to me with whole heartedly.
Then, we both started to walk by putting our hand on each other's shoulder. When we reach Baru's home, she started to tell everything to her grandma about lost Jhumka. After hearing all, Her Grandma looked at me with a smile. Her eyesight showcased me that I have done a good thing.
"Ofcourse, that is a great thing in that age." muttered old Neetha in herself.
"Hey, Little girl, you may not know the value of the action that you have done because of your age. You are a good girl and you will be so." She praised me.
I shooked my head and said, "No, I didn't do so, I just helped my friend."
"Yes, you're correct my girl, but not everyone would do what you have done today." she said.
I smiled back to her and assured her that I will be the same.
I waved at them and started to walk towards my way.

"Grandma, Get up, still you're staying outside. Come let's go inside and it's time to have to dinner and medicines too." said Nithisha, grand daughter of Neetha.

Neetha's "Remembrance of her past" is paused......

© My Scribblings