

Ideal Society Proposal
The strong and average help the weak, the elders or adepts of the society decides duties to whom they trust can handle given assignments, yet the same job is never done twice in succession by the same person.
Each person or family is given materials to make abodes.
These materials are collected by the strong capable, and the mature moving on from their parents.
Those too weak or mentally incapable are helped in building and chores by the strong and average capable.
There's no money or market of any type.
Child molesters and rapists of any age are immediately executed by the victim or next of kin.
The 'insane' are treated through natural remedies, guided meditation, and spiritual sessions with adepts to rid their demons.
The criminally 'insane' are treated with micro doses of dmt and or psylocibin.
Technology that has negative effects on a person's mind, behavior or body is not produced.
Murderers and criminal trials are judged by three separate blind folded adepts in long sessions holding the hands of the accused.
The guilty are given supplies and exiled.
Everyone receives spiritual defense training for protection from spirits that manipulate the animal ways of man.
All areas of education are taught and helped to understand.
All understood about nature the world and the universe and beyond is explained to all in a way they can understand.
The strong minded are taught advanced subjects and taught physical fitness as well as spiritual maturity, for the optimal warrior, leader, deescalator, and project manager.
All start school upon their first words.
The weak receive weekly rations and are always fed first, followed by the average in capability, and strong last.
The ether is harnessed and all energy is virtually limitless and free.
Those suspected of forming secret fraturnities, brotherhoods and clubs are put on trial and separated in their exile.
Any larger buildings are suspended from adopted satellite asteroids outside our gravity in order to keep earth wholesome.
All resources are distributed evenly among the people and are taken sparingly from the land.
There is no counsel or government, but community meetings.
All waste it transported to the sun.
All nuclear and toxic waste is sent to the nearest lower life sustaining star.

(I'll continue to work on ideas, but this is the gist)

© Sebastian Grey