

A bird without feathers
Far away from the city life
There lived a bird named Gracy
And lived on the tall branches
Of an old Apricot tree
Her fellow birds joked about her
Cause she was born someone special
A bird without her feather's
Sometimes she used to feel annoyed
Of not having her feather's
But she was hopeful and optimistic
A day would come and she would
Ultimately get her feathers
Days were passing faster than usual
And then an auspicious day came
It was the time of christmas
And everywhere it was snowing
Santa was on his visit to the earth
To give fellow creatures of earth
A specific gift on this day
He noticed one little bird crying
Seeing this he tilted the direction of
His reindeer and sleigh towards her
Seeing the santa she was overjoyed
Santa asked the reason for her crying
After listening to all the things
He spoke some magical words
And suddenly some golden stars
Started falling from the snowy sky
And just touched the gentle body
Of that little bird and BOOM
Bright coloured feathers started
To appear on her skin
And after that the little bird
Got her smile and enthusiasm back
Which had been missing for a long time
That bird thanked santa for the gift
Seeing the bird happy santa
Flew high in the sky and got vanished
In the mystical and majestic clouds
Having got her feather's back
No other bird dared to make fun of her
And she lived happily ever after
In her old Apricot tree.
© Alex Stewart