

Best friends regret❤
long ago,in a village lived two friends Lina and Lisa.
Lina was from a wealthy family while Lisa was from a poor family.
Despite their status differences they used to stay with each other all the time and where best friends.
After some few weeks Lina started observing some differences from her best friend Lisa.Lina is always around her bodyguards and no harm came close to her,Lina usually controll her guards the way she likes.
So oneday Lina decided to spy on Lisa to see what she was really hiding from her,then suddenly she saw Lisa with another girl,they were laughing and enjoying themselves that really makes Lina so jealous.there is one habit that Lina always use to show to her friends and teachers at school,showing them how wealthy she is but that never makes Lisa jealous about it.
Everyday Lina will send her bodyguards to spy on Lisa but the answer was always"miss Lina your best friend is still with that unknown Girl"they used to say this for her for about 3 weeks.
one day Lina went out with three of her bodyguards to teach Lisa a lesson as they approached Lisa they attacked her so bad which makes her faint.
when she fainted, Lina saw something on Lisa's hands it was a letter written by her
"Dear best friend
I have always wanted to tell you how valuable you are and how I really loved to be your best friend,I decided to write this letter to you so that I can thank you for being my best friend but I was not able to,so I invited my dear cousin to help me say some sweet words for you.

Lina was so sad about what she did so she wept and wept till evening,they took Lisa to the hospital but unfortunately she passed away.
Lina regreted for all what she did to her dear best friend,sine that day Linda did not accept any friendship request from any of her classmates.
Lima promised not to forget Lisa in her life.
money is not everything,friendship is all about care and affection.
and also don't judge something or someone easily.