

The painting
Chapter 1
The Paint
It was a disoriented and shabby room. There were colors spilled everywhere and the entire room was chaotic. However at the other end of the room, there was a painting on the wall. It had an open window and a beautiful girl. One so beautiful, that I simply could not keep my eyes off her.
As I was admiring the painting, I heard a loud noise originating from the adjacent room. It sounded like someone was there. I anxiously walked up to the room, only to find the dead body of Mr. Bagga! He was the wonderful singer that I had come to visit, since he needed to talk to me. My mind was filled with questions. Who killed him? Who did I hear in this room? Was he the murderer? But the first question soon overshadowed the rest, when I heard the bell ring. I froze in my spot, as I was too petrified to even move. When the lock was broken and the door finally opened, I saw Mrs. Bagga standing before me, in horror. She thought I was responsible for the death of her husband and instantly called the police.
I was taken in for an interrogation. My interrogator, Mr. Smith, was quite a clever man. But I was confident that I had done no wrong, and thus had nothing to fear. "Why did you kill Mr. Bagga?" He asked me. "I did not kill Mr. Bagga!!" I clearly stated. "When I came into the room he was already dea-". "Silence! Tell me now, why were you at this house in the first place?" he further questioned me. "Mr. Bagga had contacted me and said that he wanted to talk to me about his next song." I replied. "Okay, now since you claim to be innocent, do you have any idea about what went down in here?".
"I don't know what happened here, but before I found his body, I heard some noise coming from the same room."
"And is there anything else you would like to tell me?" he asked, scratching his chin.
"Oh yes! When I came into the house, it was all messy. There was paint scattered everywhere, and there was a fresh painting on the wall." I replied.
"A painting? But I thought he was a singer?!" exclaimed Mr. Smith.
"Yeah I too found it strange. Also, I believe the front gate was already opened when I arrived."
"Thank you, that concludes this interrogation. Stay here for the time being. You are not allowed to go anywhere else." said Mr. Smith, and walked away.
The next morning, I was sitting in the room, when I came across a peculiar news in the newspaper. It read:
'Recent reports show that Mr. Bagga the famous singer was brutally murdered by rising novelist Ms. Mira Kapoor. What could possibly be the reason for her to do so? It may be....'.
I was very anxious, since I was Ms. Mira Kapoor. News spread, and within a few days the sales of my books dropped down to near zero.
I was falling.

like for chapter 2
u will find ur answers

Author: Jenny Jeswani
Editor: Shaurya Gupta