

Right Person , Wrong Time
It was a good divorce. She read from his eyes. The sparkle in her eyes took him to the old , crowded corridor where it all begin.
It was a monday morning and her idle face portrayed her unwillingness to monday. She passed the corridor infront of his class. He noticed her.
Not only him. Every guy in the class has an eye on her. An athelete , dancer and above all , she was an alluring girl.

She didn't show up the next day. He kept looking at the corridor with hope.
' She will come ' someone murmured in his ears.
But she didn't.

The next day , he stood outside the class as if he wanted to welcome her.
He saw her coming from distance. His heart started to race.
Her hair was midnight-black and it flowed over her shoulder. She had honey sweet lips. They were lilac soft. Her eyes were so deep and beautiful that he felt his whole world is reflecting in them.
She passed him calmly. peacefully.
He couldn't take his eyes from her. His heart wished to utter her name.
He listened to his heart ! ' Ishika '
he called her.
She turned back and walked towards him. ' Hi , did you just call me'?

- to be continued
