

Undeniable Sparks
"Jake?" I ask my voice hoarse from how nervous I feel when I'm around him. He glances up at me mutely and bites his lower lip like he's waiting for me to say more.
I take a deep breath silencing the butterflies in the pit of my stomach as I move myself closer to him. His body stiffens like seeing me this close to him somehow ruins his swag.
"Macy..." He begins his voice monotone. I feel a blush creep onto my neck as I inch myself closer and closer to his lips.
"What?" I ask casually as if I get the nerve to be this close to him every day.
"Don't...." He whispers softly his voice cracking ever so slightly.
I smile at how much I'm screwing with his mind right now. Mr perfect is not so calm and collected in this very moment and I find it absolutely entertaining.
I lean closer to him and brush my lips softly against his.
Just when I think he isn't going to do anything back, he pulls me closer to him and kisses me softly. I pull away after several seconds, stunned.
"Wow..." I mumble like an idiot.
"I like you Macy" Jake whispers softly, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.
"I like you too Jake" I whisper softly, the butterflies in my stomach swarming.