

Morning drive
I was driving down the road and this guy was riding my ass... so I hit my breaks...(should NOT have done).. he then proceeds to go next to me and starts yelling and cursing so I was like fuck this and sped up.. (should NOT have done that)... Then he got back behind me and followed me for a good minute. When there was a dotted line he got next to me and tried to side sweep me off the road, into a guardrail and into water... so once again I said fuck noo and sped up.. he continues to follow me. I get to a stop light and he pulls around me and parks sideways in the intersection... He gets out of his car and starts yelling at me, calling me names and shit.. I sit there and let him yell ( locked my doors of course) said you shouldn't ride my ass, the light turned green and I took off... this was definitely a learning experience.
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