

cyclomamics (part 2)

I made myself comfortable and just beside me a guy was sleeping early in the morning and even in class. I just tried to side his jacket from my desk and it woke him up and suddenly he lift his head towards my face with his sleepy eyes and starts gazing at me.
But the eyes look so adorable and for the first time, my heart skipped a beat while making eye contact with someone but as always it doesn't last. He just became my five-minute crush based on his attractive eyes just the same as many other guys.
"Who are you? and why are you sitting beside me, you ugly creature?" the teacher "Lee, can you stop making a fuss, right now. she was your new seatmate and she'll be sitting there."
"What an ugly seatmate. it's better to sit alone."
"hey you annoying maniac don't you dare to call me ugly and by the way, I don't want to sit with a jerky maniac either so stop making a fuss right now. And anyway, after today, I'll sit somewhere else ok. so shut your pit now."
"Okay then take your ass out off here after today." he kept on sleeping the whole time.
at the lunch break, a girl approached me from my class. "hey Xin, I am really happy that we are classmates. let's go to eat and chat "
"ok, sure."
"Anyway Xin, how did you feel while sitting with that handsome hunk of our class? do you know he is the school popular guy with the most fan following "
"what! he? are you kidding me Ji-woo? he was the most annoying 5-minute crush. I hate him really how can someone like him be the most popular guy, laugh."
"wait ! what 5-minute crush?"
"Ji, it means a guy whose looks are good just that. but listen he was just good-looking from the outside but inside he was just a trash can that's it"
"Xin don't think like this. today his friend doesn't come so he was a little mad and ya you are sitting on his friend's sit that's why maybe he was a little too mad at you today."
"Okay, but even if it's a case it's not my fault so why is he screaming at me? no matter what you say he was just a jerky maniac to me and whatever ill change my sit tomorrow anyway."
"the bell ring 'ding-dong' let's go otherwise we'll be late and get scolded by the teachers, laugh"
"let's go, hurry"
the class starts but that jerk was still sleeping beside me and I thought let's just ignore that maniac and focus on my study.
but just then the teacher asked us to open the chemistry book and starts reading but unfortunately, I didn't bring it and said "who didn't bring it, stand up right now."
and the whole time I was the only one standing in the classroom while everyone is laughing at me. And the thing that pisses me off is that the sleepy creature only wakes up at that time to laugh at me.
"the bell rang, thank god today's first day ended. it was so exhausting today." I just slept as I went home.
"why are you still there? I am waiting for you ."
I screamed as I heard those words from behind me. "why are you screaming in your sleep? Lee are you okay? why are you screaming in your dreams?" Mom, I am okay. "how can I be okay when you are all covered in sweat and scared." tell me did you see any of those dreams? but mom how can it be possible when I always wear the bracelet that you gave me ." M...y bracelet !!" where it was? where was your bracelet lee? I asked you to not lose it where did you throw it tell me now.
© Ak