

Meeting Genesis
Sunside Surf a club that Keiran had gotten used to and now worked at. He hosted, made drinks, got food out to the customers, and had a fun time. He loved getting to know the customers especially when the handsome Omega Genesis Wren Devereux walked in. "Hey sexy." Genesis said leaning over the bar. Keiran chuckled softly. "Hey Gen." He said. Genesis grimaced at the nickname. "It's Dev baby I told you that already." He said. "Oh. Sorry, must have slipped my mind." Keiran teased. "You tease." Genesis said. Keiran laughed. "The usual?" He asked. "You know it." Genesis said, oblivious to the fact that Hollyleaf was spying on the two of them, listening in on every word watching every movement between the two. "What's his name?" Crowfeather asked through the earpiece. "Not sure. I've heard Keiran call him Dev and Gen but I don't know his full name." Hollyleaf said. "Pip's gonna be pissed." The raven said. Hollyleaf nodded. "Can't stay as long as I did yesterday." Genesis said. Keiran pouted. "Stay with me." He begged. Genesis chuckled. "I can't Keir I would love to trust me." He said. "Genesis Wren Devereux stay here." Keiran said batting his eyelashes lovingly. "Dev." Genesis corrected. "And don't pout your way out of this handsome." He added. "Genesis Wren Devereux." Hollyleaf whispered to her father. Crowfeather nodded. Ashfur played with the ring. "Your sure?" He asked his voice breaking. Hollyleaf nodded. "I heard it, just like I told you word for word." She said. Ashfur put his head in his knees sobbing. Keiran knocked on the door. "Get out!" Ashfur spat, anger and pain in his voice as tears ran down his face. "Why are you yelling at me?" Keiran asked, confused. "Don't play stupid Keiran." Ashfur snarled. "I'm not. I'm genuinely confused on why your yelling at me." Keiran said. Ashfur chuckled, but it wasn't a funny chuckle. "I heard your conversation with Dev." Ashfur growled. Keiran sighed. "He's a friend." He assured his fiancé. "Then why'd you call him baby?" Ashfur spat. "We were joking around, it's what we do to each other all the time, I'm not his type first of all and second of all how'd you know that?" Keiran asked. "I've got spies everywhere." Ashfur said. Keiran chuckled. "It's not a joke." Ashfur growled again. "Okay baby chill." Keiran said softly. Ashfur glared. "I'm too riled up to chill." He muttered. "Well you need to start because jealousy is not a good scent on you." Keiran said. Hollyleaf chuckled softly remembering when she said those exact words to him when he had gotten jealous over Crowfeather. Ashfur snarled again. "Okay. Let's not let your inner wolf out." Keiran said.  "Go." Ashfur snarled. Keiran sighed. "Fine." He said walking away. Ashfur reached for the blade pack. "Ah." Hollyleaf corrected him. Ashfur pulled back like a dog in trouble. "It's been a week." He said. Exactly it's been a week. Hollyleaf reminded him. Ashfur whined. "Don't use my own words against me." He said. Someone's also been off their meds for a whole week which is why I'm getting this attitude. Hollyleaf whispered. Ashfur rolled his eyes looking over to the blade pack again. "Please.." he begged. "I need it." He said. You don't need it. You need your meds. Hollyleaf whispered. Ashfur scrunched his nose. "I don't need them." He said. You're right, you don't need the blade pack. Hollyleaf whispered. Ashfur rolled his eyes. "Your annoying." He said. I love you too. Hollyleaf whispered. "Have you cooled down yet?" Keiran asked. Ashfur sighed. "Yes.." He said. Keiran nodded. "Good." He purred. "I'm sorry.. For calling Devereux baby, I shouldn't have I will be more careful with my wording next time." Keiran promised. Ashfur smiled softly. "I'm sorry for getting angry and throwing the ring. I will try to manage my anger better next time." Ashfur said. Keiran nodded picking the ring up from off the ground. "I believe this belongs to you." The Alpha male said. Ashfur held his hand out allowing his fiancé to put the ring back on him. "I love you more than most people and I would never cheat on you." Keiran promised. Ashfur nuzzled the Alpha male's pulse point. "Love you too." Ashfur said. "You ready to get back to your favorite thing in my new job?" Keiran asked. "I'm excited to start preforming again.. But I'm a little nervous." Ashfur said. Keiran nodded. "I understand. But I also know that you're a natural at this and people will love you." Keiran said. Ashfur nodded. "Have you been in any contact with Kai?" He asked. Keiran shook his head. "No." He said. Ashfur pressed against Keiran nipping lightly at his jaw. "Daddy.." he whispered. "Oh god don't use that word." Keiran groaned through clenched teeth. The Alpha male looked at his phone, it was Devereux: Ready for a good night tonight? He asked. Ashfur tilted his head. "Who is it?" He asked more curious than possesive. "No one." Keiran lied. "Keir." Ashfur growled. "Dev." The Alpha male sighed. "Tell him to fuck off before I do." Ashfur snarled. "No. I told him I'd meet him tonight." Keiran said stubbornly. Ashfur rolled his eyes. "Fine go to your new hook-up see if I care." He said. "But first.. Let's drive him crazy." Ashfur said rubbing up against his Alpha, scenting where he nipped and reclaimed his territory. "There." The Omega said, now satisfied. "Go to lover boy." Ashfur said. Keiran lowered his head when Devereux glared at him. "What is that Keiran?" He asked. Keiran gulped. "Are you deaf. I asked what is that Keiran?" Devereux asked again. "I-It got out of hand.. I tried to push him off.. But he wouldn't get off me." Keiran said. Devereux gulped hard, tears forming at his eyes as he realized that he loved him. "You've slept with him before?" He asked voice quivering. "Gen.. He's my fiancé." Keiran said hesitantly. Genesis glared at the Alpha. "Dev." Genesis snarled. © All Rights Reserved