

DEMO Prequel to The Hello Man Chapter 5
The Hello Man killed a priest. All the sudden a demon known as DEMO, guard of the gates between Hell and the Underworld, walked to the body. The Hello Man couldn't see DEMO, because he wasn't actually 100% there. He showed his hand to the dead body and it began to glow. He went into the body and the body began to glow. The body was now possessed by DEMO. A few seconds later DEMO vanished. A while later when DEMO appeared in front of a farm, he noticed that his new body turned into a skeleton skin. DEMO saw a scarecrow with black clothes on and with 2 scythes. DEMO took the clothes and the 2 scythes. When a farmer walked peacefully out of his farmhouse he saw DEMO and yelled, "Ahhh, The legends are true, the reaper is real and is here for our heads, Every one hide!"
DEMO thought to him self, "Did that mortal call me a reaper?, Who dares to call a Demon a reaper. We're completely different species! Oh, that mortal will pay for calling me names!" DEMO all the sudden grown Demon wings. He opend his wings as soon as it was done growing and flew to the farmer. He cut of the farmer's head with one of the scythes. The blood splattered out of the body. DEMO looked at the dead body and said, "It feels good to kill once again." DEMO went into the farmhouse and noticed that a kid was hiding under a table. So he walked up to the table. When he put his hand on the table, the table began to burn. He saw the kid burn alive and said, "I was wondering if I could use my Demonic Powers in the real world." He laughed. Then all the sudden he heard a crack like noice above him. He began to float. He went through the roof and saw 2 people hiding behind some hay bales. He just showed his hand to them and they started to burn.
DEMO went out of the farm. He flew away a small distance. He showed his left ring finger to the farm's derection. All the sudden the hole farm exploded. DEMO flew away. He landed in front of a hotel. He walked in. Every one who looked at him turned on fire. DEMO looked at a painting on a wall. He saw a demon like creature known as SATAN was in the middle of the picture. He saw people standing in a circle around SATAN. All the sudden the painting turned orange. DEMO heard a voice say, "Get in DEMO Now!". DEMO walked through the painting. He arrived in a place who looked familiar to him, The Underworld. Around him he saw dead mortals, zombies, other Demons, reapers and other horrifying creatures. He saw a path made of black rocks. He followed it. After a while he came to a hill. He saw a throne on the hill made of gold. Satan sat on it. He asked DEMO why he left the gates between Hell and the Underworld unprotected. DEMO said that he got bored of protecting the gates. SATAN said that if he wanted freedom, he needed to pay for it. DEMO looked away. SATAN told DEMO that there was another way he could pay him. DEMO wanted to know how. So SATAN told him that he should kill a Demon known as The Hello Man in the real world, because that Demon turned his back on him. DEMO said that he couldn't do it, because The Hello Man's soul was once his dead son's. SATAN said that he didn't care, it was either to kill his dead son or his soul. DEMO later chose to kill his own dead son. SATAN got a smile on his face and said, "You chose good." SATAN moved his hand a little forward and DEMO vanished from the Underworld. He appeared in the Hotel in front of that painting of earlier.


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