

"Us" and "Them"
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Who doesn't sacrifice? Everybody sacrifices some time or the other be it a man or a woman.
We always taunt a man saying that, " We are born with super power where we can give birth to another human being. We bleed for seven days yet we look after house work". If you are blessed with such things then it's because God has seen the strength within you, the capability of tolerance.
Feeling proud on those things is good but being egoistic and taunting the people of opposite sex is not proper.
Have you seen a man getting upset just because he is not able to do shopping? Have you seen him showing his mood swings to you? Emotions are in both, man and woman. The only difference is that women are good at expressing while men are good at hiding.
They also sacrifice the golden years of their teenage and youth, their family life and the company of their friends when responsibilities are on their shoulders, they also give their best to fulfill them. It's not said for nothing that, "Father is the head of the family."
Feeling proud of ourselves is not a bad thing, but everytime making the other person feel low and disappointed by comparing is improper....

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