

I like to theorise our relationship based on the invisible string theory, that you and i were in each other’s space for so long, and we never thought one day we’d have feelings so strong. Cause how is it that we walked past each other so many times without knowing one day we’d call the other “mine”. we still joke about how long I took to tell you I liked you, to the point where you had doubts, and almost pulling the trigger, But I guess it was all in due time for cause now in my mind is you continue to linger,

then I eventually had to tell you how I felt ,my mind went blank cause I was scared with hopes that you actually cared, then you looked at me and agreed we’d give it a try, cause honestly at that point these feeling where hard to hide. all it took was a conversation on the grass with our legs crossed, I realised I loved you soon I looked at your and my all my worries where tossed, I loved hearing you talk, with my hand on my face, head tilted trying to understand how you are so free spirited. And I hope I never left you conflicted with mixed feelings, cause wifey material was what I was seeing🎈.
© Ofentse J. Tsele