

USI Prologue
World scenario shows that inventions of science has made world full of deadly weapons of annihilation of human race and such other. These weapons are source of terror. The countries having these weapons were/ are having camp followers. Till USA and USSR were having balance of terror, the smaller countries were not so strongly dictated as in this unipolar world, it is done. History of mankind shows that unipolar world is not possible for a long time. Quran says that, no nation is made so strong that it start hindering praying in pray houses of the other nations. The United States of America is a block of 52 states of American continent. Similar type of block is emerging in the shape of EU in the continent of Europe. The USI is a proposed block of Muslim countries of Central Asia and around. The unity of the Muslims would balance the tilted balance of power in the world, and when there is balance of power/ terror (terror means the military muscle), there is no war. The war is only of nerves not of physical destruction as we see in this unipolar world. To achieve peace (even of nerves also) planning needs to be done in the light of Heavenly books. It is the Prophecy of Turat that Al-e-Ibrahim would make Jerusalem as the most sacred and respectable city of the world in the present time around. Al-e-Ibrahim consists of Jews, Christians and Muslims. How could Jerusalem be made most respected city of the world? The simple answer is to give its rightful place to the city of Prophets. The Prophets’ missions were always Peace. Nowadays, the mission of Peace is carried out by UNO; therefore, it would be the fittest of decisions by all believers on good to carry on the mission of Peace in the world. Jerusalem (city of Prophets) is to be selected as new site for UNO headquarter, then New York, to carry on peace process in the world. This shifting of UNO headquarter to Jerusalem would make the Jerusalem the most respectful city of the world and the prophecy of Turat could be fulfilled. Jerusalem, the possession of which, is always a bone of contention among Muslims, Christians and Jews, after becoming UNO headquarters as international city, it would become a sacred and respectable city to all human beings and this way, the Prophecy of Turat could be made true.The peace for which Allah has sent so many Prophets, when this peace in the world, is tried to be achieved from the city of Prophets then the procession of general assembly of the UN would be started with the messages of Allah as the occasion demands from Qura’an, Turat and Bible, even from other Heavenly books present in the world. This way good will prevail and evil would be eradicated easily. United States of Islam, i.e. USI, which is in the process of taking shape after the dismemberment of USSR, a forced Godless union , now this grand state of USSR has divided into believer sub states, that is churches mosques and pray houses etc are open with the sacrifices of Afghans, with collaboration of all believers from Al-e-Ibrahim throughout the world. Now, it is UN, where formal entrance of the name of Al Mighty Allah is necessary. This entrance of the name of Allah can be made through declaring Jerusalem as UNO headquarter. The entrance of the name of Allah in the UN would make this assembly to get guidance from Heavenly books for solution of problems of Peace. Relations of friendship will emerge among old deadly enemies, i.e. Muslims, Christians and Jews, who were up till now stanch enemies on position of possession of the city of Jerusalem. Shrines of old Prophets and Saints would be visited by all religious minded people. Love, Peace and tranquility would become order of the time, just shifting UN headquarters to city of Prophets as needed to be done in help of Allah; the Author of Turat; the prophecy of Turat would be fulfilled according to which, Al Ibrahim would make Jeruslam as most sacred city of the world, by time around.
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