

Elayne|Part One|
"YOU INCONSIDERATE, GOOD FOR NOTHING!". She yelled, shoving him with her finger.Face red, eyes red,and a deadly look on the face of her husband.

"A selfish, self conceited, heartless human being.THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE!".My hands trembling from my sides and my breathing becoming un-even-

I wasn't even in the room with them,and yet it felt like they were yelling directly into my ears.

Make it stop.

"After EVERYTHING .After everything I've done for you,you still go behind my back and do this?!. You ungrateful madman!"

He growled. It sounded just as scary as how Bruno,our neighbors dog,used to growl at me whenever he saw me.

Just like with Bruno,my heart rate increases then stops abruptly for a couple of seconds. My hands continue to tremble and I lean against the pillar for support watching from upstairs as my mom and her husband continue to argue.

Well, right now it's just her throwing words at him. The real argument hasn't even started yet.

What if he hits her?

Oh God. Make it stop.

"Watch your mouth woman. You don't know what you're talking about,so just shut.up." Through clenched teeth,he replied. His eyes were narrowed at my mother in utmost annoyance and his lips twisting into a sneer.

"I don't know what I'm talking about?. Oh so you mean to tell me the money just disappeared?. 30,000 just so happened to grow wings and fly out of my handbag into the sky?. Oh wow ". She spoke sarcasticly,flailing her arms in the air to imitate a bird.

"For fucksakes Kenneth!, I know you're the one who took the god-damned money!". I flinch back,my grip on the pillar tightening."You stole from me. ME! .Your wife. Have you no shame?"

"I didn't steal nothing ".

"Oh shut the fuck up,You and I both know that's a fucking lie!"

Please make it stop.

"And you know that's not even what's paining me. I don't care about the money-"

"If you don't care about the money,then what's the need for all this drama?".He yells back,impatience and irritation clear in his voice.

"What pisses me off is that this isn't the first time you're doing this!. You steal from your own wife and even your own child?!. Aren't you ashamed?".

I can't do this anymore.

"Instead of trying to find yourself a god-damned job,you go around drinking and causing nuisance everywhere!. Adding to my problem and even have the guts to steal from me!"



I need to get out of here. I can't do this anymore.

I need to get out. I need-

A whimper leaves my lips and I bring my hands up to my hair, grabbing a fist full as tears threaten to spill from my eyes. I tune out of Mom and Ken 's shouting and rush to my room, slamming the door shut.

© Nikii