

Connection between Psychology & Philosophy bridging to life.
(Clearly it is “yoga”:- not that in which u perform asanas).
I am a practioner of karma yoga.
Yoga according to me is the comprehension of the meaning of life.
I stayed seeking the same to reach a level of understanding and comprehending life
I practiced karmayoga as my way of being.
It made me a person in life as a clear crystal.
I found a set of rules which lent me soulfully and universally in sync with life energy that worked for me (let's consider this as positive energy though nothing in the entire universe is either bad or good, just the question of whether it works for you or not.). Positive energy that is resourced by keeping a balance between materialistic and non-materialistic aspects of life.
According to me there are two different compositions of human mind.
These can be called as different mindsets or approaches to a situation
of life.

I shall try and explain:

Life is a concept which makes man realize the meaning or importance
of existence itself. It is a process that enlightens you to understand the
universal truth of being a soul, which is a part of something incomprehensible.
Life of all people reveals its meaning non-materialistically and in the present sense.
It does not exist in the past or future; truly past and future does not make any sense for life to comprehend itself as it is just conceived memory.
Life is about being in present.
Most probably the first question which comes to mind when considering such a topic is the most simple and up to point explanation
of the meaning of life not life itself.
As mentioned above when we reach a state of desperation to understand life we actually mean to need an answer for the meaning of life and not life itself.
This consideration is important because seeking an answer for what is life will leave one empty handed but an answer for what is the meaning of life is fruitful.


To understand how materialistically venerable our mind is with respect to life, I shall describe the first state of mind:-
 The first state of mind all very “materialistically seductive” like a perfect girl who suits anyone as a lust companion.
 It has all the attractive bells and whistles.
 It has a profound presence.
 Blissful personality.
 Very prominent, attractive and a clear voice.
 Knows how to take control over you entirely.
 This state of mind has the ability to become you entirely.


To understand how the truth lays hidden like a very dim light caged
and shadowed over by the fuss of the first state of mind, I shall describe the second state of mind:-
 This state of mind is all materialistically ugly.
 It appeals you a lot to its hatred and discard but is the one which can show you the truth.
 It has the least prominent presence.
 It has a very low voice.
 It remains unseen for most of lifetime suppressed/dominated by the first state of mind.
 Its conversation with you is all an unattractive/unclear comprehension.
 It may seem as if it has a complex and very hard to understand conversational statement which it doesn’t.
 Hateful personality.
 This is the state of mind that can teach you to take control over your body, mind and emotions entirely, making you self-destined and universally inert. (To remain unaffected by all things negative/materialistic).

To understand how to remain materialistically unaffected and soulfully alive while being in sync with the cosmological frequency of the raw universe. (Healthy in all considerations).I shall tell you about your part of mind that is truly you. (Further referred to as "YOU").
There is a totally different approach to understanding YOU, because it is the aspect which has the capability to understanding life and the meaning of being alive.
The challenge lies in keeping YOU under the influence of the proper state of mind while seeking the meaning of life, thus fulfilling the basic and primitive state of realizing what it means to be human.
 The state of mind mentioned above is the second state of mind mentioned earlier.
 YOU is the one who decides the destiny of your life.
 YOU is the one that has the authority over the true essence of


According to me our soul works/exists on the principle of –
“Everything exists in nothing”! To be clear our soul is 100% no-thingness. Though the statement may sound ironic, it is true because the soul is non-materialistic.
The statement just tends to convey that our soul is beyond the brain’s ability to comprehend/grasp but it is not beyond our consciousness.
There is a difference between being conscious and knowledgeable which is the brains ability.
That is why soul is considered to be GOD though there is nothing sensible in this statement.
It is just used to refer to this rarely realized consciousness.
This is important because when our brain doesn’t have a certain support/belief it kills the person mentally and entirely.
GOD is important in people’s lives because they want an escape from
facing the truth of life and GOD acts as a support to keep a person mentally stabilized.
Let’s understand the construct of mind accordingly:
It can be divided as:-
 1st state of mind.
 2nd state of mind.
 YOU.
 Soul (not a part of mind).

1st state of mind though is beautiful materialistically, is very ugly
non-materialistically or in its true form.
2nd state of mind though is ugly materialistically, is very beautiful
and serene non-materialistically or in its true form.

The constituents of mind as above have their own characteristics.
 1st state of mind conveys only the negative or materialistic approach to life which is not so successful.
 2nd state of mind conveys only the positive or non-materialistic approach to life which is surely successful.
 YOU takes the job of deciding the proper state of mind in whose
path should the soul be guided with.
The soul depending on the decision made by YOU either gets enlightened or constricted (caged).
The soul cannot be destroyed simply because there is no-thing to be destroyed.
 The 1st state of mind can become YOU but 2nd state can only guide YOU and not become YOU.
 The states of mind or the path that YOU can follow are:-

 1st state of mind or materialistic approach (-ve).
 2nd state of mind or non-materialistic (+ve).
YOU can only follow either the 1st or 2nd state of mind.
At any given time YOU can be in any one of the two states.
Maintaining YOU without the influence of both the states of mind,
this is called meditation.
YOU when guided only by the 2nd state of mind can reach enlightenment.
The soul is neither a state of mind nor YOU. It is a totally different consideration all together.
The soul is affected by the state of mind chosen by YOU.


Just for the purpose of comprehending +ve and –ve energy.
The soul is no-thingness as described earlier, so if YOU becomes its 1st state the soul becomes engulfed by materialistic blindness.
This leads to increase in –ve energy (referential) keeping the soul suppressed not letting it reach nirvana.
On the contrary if YOU is guided by the 2nd state of mind, the soul loses its materialistic bounds grows and increases its energy and radiates it outwards.
This refers to the increase in +ve energy.
As we know the human body is materialistic therefore if the soul reaches a certain level of +ve energy, it will become incapable of holding on to the body.
At such a state the soul just leaves the body easily without anything wrong with the body and reaches nirvana.
So from the above statement materialistic desires when concerned with YOU, the soul is incapable of gaining enough +ve energy to reach
To remain alive and successful in life a balance should be maintained between the –ve and +ve energy.


-ve energy buildup out of control leads to a very unsuccessful life and
leads to the deterioration in all aspects of a man both physically and mentally.

Increases by doing –ve works.

-ve energy is only useful up to a certain minimum level for life to be
blissful. It keeps you human and social. It keeps you from reaching


+ve energy buildup above the body’s threshold leads to nirvana. +ve energy improves a person in all possible ways both mentally and physically letting one reach the full potential of what it means to be human.
At such a state it may seem as if one has developed superpowers but it really is just that he has reached the highest/complete state of being human.
This +ve energy concept follows the rule that when the soul is kept +ve, -ve energy embraces the soul more efficiently lending a person superpowers as compared to less –ve soul which can result in no superpowers but inversely deterioration of a peson.

Amogh S N.
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